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  1. C

    Fighting lies in times of trouble

    Dear brothers and sisters who are able to read this, I am currently fighting a flu and in combination with my diabetes this is always a great struggle. During this time I have to fight different lies that come my way stronger than before. Thoughts that are asking that I need to find peace with...
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    CC moms and dads

    An option that you can make someone on CC your 'CC mom' or 'CC dad'. This will help people to start up with relations on the website and have some special contact with people. It might also be great to see your CC family tree growing and talking about grandchildren. I can think of numereous...
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    I suddenly realised i was room hopping a lot to check who where in the rooms. But most of the time they are empty. Wouldnt it be a great idea that if you click on the tab to display all the rooms that you are able to see how many users are in those rooms? Thus like a roomcounter. Example to...
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    Smart posting

    This is another posting game. The aim of the game is: Be the winner by having the last post according to the rules. READ THE RULES CAREFULLY! Do not think you understand the game by looking in the posts below. Rules: - When you wish to have a valid entry post, you have to say (all other...
  5. C

    Easter: Christ has risen indeed!

    Let us do as the first Christians did in their time and tell eachother as a greet (according to what i have heared , if you like it say it also in your own language that is nice for us to read :) ): Jesus has risen indeed! Jezus is waarlijk opgestaan! (dutch)
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    Christian Chat Comics

    Oke people here we go. From my album: Keyholes Poor moderator... Christian Chat bubble Kyra's escape The standard Conquer conversation Microphone hogger Little girls
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    The cheesy advertisment

    Hello there.... Im cute and i have a lamb avatar. Although some think im a viking. I really am about to conquer your heart. I am sooooo cheesy and i am about to give you everything what you missed at all the 4782737 dates you had and went wrong. Are you interested, then dont PM me or contact me...
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    A dream

    Hello everbody, tonight i had a realistic dream again. Maybe there are some dream interpretors around? :-P In the night of 09-03-2009 | 10-03-2009 I dont know wheter i was it myself or that it was someone else, but i followed this charachter from above and sometimes from the perspective of the...
  9. C

    What if there is no plan for your life?

    I hear many people say. Gods plan for my life. Etc Etc. But life in many ways look pointless. Is there really something like a personal plan for you life? Or do things occur the way they occur... And is there really been thought about every step im going to make. There are a lot of things I do...
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    Need your help on these words

    I am not sure about this. I just need your feedback. I am getting thoughts after i am getting quite and i focus on Jesus and on that God is present this day. The words look very encouraging, but i need to know wheter it is not just flattering thoughts. Also if this is right i think i can help...
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    First post on Page 70 wins the game

    It is a simple contest again. The person who posts the first post on page 70 wins this game :-P . Now lets go: (hehe kind of replica... i know... but you have to do something)
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    Gel38s Phone number

    All single woman gather to retrieve the phone number of the one and only Gel38. Call now: 555-GelGuitar He play guitar for you 24/7. With the voice of ages like you never heared before. A sound of astonishing power through the speakers of your old Nokia. Get the CD of Gel38 now exclusive on...
  13. C

    Rating System (Not realisable :P)

    How about a rating system for the microphone. So the quality of microphone usages is getting up. - On a day you have like 10 minutes of free speech (this will allow all people to talk and quality is in the talk) - By rating someone speech or text positive the person will receive extra seconds to...
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    Falling in love is a disease

    As i mentioned once i think falling in love is like a disease. There are some simple reasons why. - It is extremely addicting ... Everytime you fall in love you like the feeling, but once it is gone you must hope it will go over into "real" love. Else you have a big problem and you even start...
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    Tutorial: Turning Off Or Lower Sounds In Chatbox

    This is a tutorial to turn off all the sound in your chatbox or lower the sounds. This is NOT an option in the chatbox. This is an alternative way for people who wants to hear other sounds like music or so. This tutorial is only for people who have Vista installed! I am not sure how this work...
  16. C

    Rough time

    I am going through a rough time these days. Recently i have been into the hospital, because we found out that i have diabetes. I lost 9kg (20 pounds). Extremly much for a boy who is like 1.81 meter. Diabetes means much to you life. Many thoughts of what you planned to do fall apart. You have to...