Search results

  1. Josefine

    Looking for Christian friends

    I know, but I would never have found God/my relationship with him wouldn't be as strong if I hadn't been that way beforehand. I guess it's because God's love being the thing to pull us out of a dark time makes us view him as a much more essential aspect of our lives than if he had just been an...
  2. Josefine

    Looking for Christian friends

    Oh, no worries! There's no need to apologize, those days happen to all of us ❤
  3. Josefine

    Hello everyone!!!

    Hi! I am a new member so I'm not completely sure, but i've seen some people talking about it, and I don't think the chat is a thing anymore. Welcome back, and God bless you ❤
  4. Josefine

    I want to meet people

    I've gone through a similar issue recently. Something that I've realized that loneliness can have absolutely nothing to do with how many people are in your life/how much time you spend with others. Sometimes I find that when I'm surrounded by others, I feel the most lonely. There are two...
  5. Josefine

    I want to meet people

    Hi ❤ My name is Jo, and I am a new Christian (as of less than a month ago). My hobbies are reading, writing, music, working out, dancing, and all of my way too many extracirriculars. I started seeking God because of an online friend who started teaching me about Jesus. However, because of...
  6. Josefine

    New Christian Looking for Advice

    Hi everyone! I want to thank all of you again for all of your advice and suggestions. You have truly helped me begin my walk with God❤ I just want to share an update: Today I told my mom about me starting to become a follower of Christ. She was very supportive, stating that she was proud of...
  7. Josefine


    Hey all! I first want to reiterate my thanks to all of you. You have made me feel welcome into CC as well as into the family of God! I just want to share an update: Today I told my mom about me starting to become a follower of Christ. She was very supportive, stating that she was proud of me...
  8. Josefine

    Struggling with 🌽

    Yeah, 14. Still in middle school lol This made me laugh, thank you for that ❤
  9. Josefine

    Struggling with 🌽

    Oh, okay! I actually haven't looked at it yet, so I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for letting me know!
  10. Josefine

    Struggling with 🌽

    :giggle::giggle: That was very poetic, thank you ❤ God bless you!
  11. Josefine

    Struggling with 🌽

    Haha, I appreciate it :giggle: This made my day, thank you! God bless you as well ❤
  12. Josefine

    Do the Bible and science contradict each other in any way?

    Hi everyone :giggle: My name is Jo, and I am a new Christian (saved less than a month ago) and this is a topic that's kind of been on my mind. I grew up atheist, and everything I learned about the world was purely based on science. Recently, I started seeing these videos saying that the Bible...
  13. Josefine

    Struggling with 🌽

    It's important to focus on motivations like this when we struggle with addictions; if the reason WHY we want to stop isn't greater than the temptation to fall back in again, we will get nowhere. While I think it's great that you want a good relationship with someone one day, I would suggest...
  14. Josefine

    Looking for Christian friends

    Thank you for sharing that :giggle: I love how you were able to realize that you didn't truly know him, and that you were able to start getting closer to him. I think it really shows how in the end, we have to be the ones to find God and decide what we want to believe. Obviously, how we're...
  15. Josefine

    Shalom my brethren!

    Hi Phelipe! It seems like you're going through a lot, but by seeking God and putting your trust in him and his plan for your life, I know you can get through it! I am a new Christian and a new member of this site, and everyone on here has been very helpful, giving me a lot of advice and...
  16. Josefine

    What is the best advice you have ever received?

    A powerful message. It reminded me of this quote from one of my favorite books: “Inej had once offered to teach him how to fall. 'The trick is not getting knocked down,' he'd told her with a laugh. 'No, Kaz,' she'd said, 'the trick is in getting back up.'" ― Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows
  17. Josefine

    What is the best advice you have ever received?

    A child who has gone to bed hungry for days will not complain about the texture or flavor of the food he's been given. A king who has gained riches, influence, and wisdom from being on the throne will not complain about the weight of the crown on his head. This is another piece of advice that...
  18. Josefine

    What is the best advice you have ever received?

    I 100% agree. There are going to be so many setbacks and times of pain in life, so it's truly valuable to be able to laugh and find joy in the world no matter what
  19. Josefine

    What is the best advice you have ever received?

    I appreciate you sharing this! Thank you (and your family) for your service. God bless ❤
  20. Josefine

    Looking for Christian friends

    I saw on your profile that you've been a Christian your whole life, but you were saved 2 years ago. If you feel comfortable sharing, what happened/changed?