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  1. J

    Faith without repentance is Dead !

    Genesis 6:6 Amazing how you works based salvationists always Blaspheme God. If repentance is turning from sin, what sin are you accusing God of doing?
  2. J

    Faith without repentance is Dead !

    Bud is slang for buddy which is a term of address.The same as Dude, Boss, Guy, Friend, etc. But, I find it fitting you were so soon to slander me. Acts 2:13 Luke 7:34 I am in good company, thanks for mocking me that way
  3. J

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    So after reading your posts all you said was the following: 1.) 1 Chronicles 3 is not talking about blood relatives DESPITE the fact 1 Chronicles 3 is all about sons that were BORN unto their fathers, or how I put it, through BLOOD. 2.) You have no explination as to why 2 kings 9 gives another...
  4. J

    Faith without repentance is Dead !

    James 2:2 Here James instead of saying richman, says a man with a gold ring. James is calling ALL men with gold rings rich. What happens in James chapter 5? Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Tools Unchecked Copy Box Jas 5:2 All the rich men...
  5. J

    Faith without repentance is Dead !

    Hyperdispensationalism is starting the church age in Acts 2, 8, 15, etc... Hyperdispensationalism is NOT pointing out the fact that different books have different audiences... For example, Leviticus says someone following God cannot eat shellfish it is an unclean abomination. 1 Timothy says a...
  6. J

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    I am challenging him on this because SPOILER ALERT. I like to say the quiet parts out loud.... So even if we ignore all the internal evidence that shows there are two Ahaziahs, the issue he now runs into after ignoring what Scripture says... Is that not one hebrew manuscript agrees with him.
  7. J

    My KJV Debate with Jeffrey Dollar

    @Dino246 Come on buddy, you said the SEED is incorruptable not the word of God... Let me quote you exactly: QUOTED FROM DINO POST #7 I took none of your words out of context. You said the word of God is not incorruptible, it is the seed that is incorruptible. You said that incorruptible does...
  8. J

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    @Dino246 Let's see. 1 Chronicles 3 says Ahaziah is Jorams son by blood. 2 Kings 8:27 Well wait, this Ahaziah is NOT the blood of Joram!!! You see that? He is the SON IN LAW. How can this ahaziah be listed in a BLOOD genealogy when he ain't blood? The Ahaziah that reigns in 2 Kings 8 is NOT...
  9. J

    Faith without repentance is Dead !

    Um bud, context is KEY. Hebrews 6:1 and VERSE 2. Where is the doctrine of laying on hands for the church? WHERE IS IT? Jesus promises those in the CHURCH that they can never perish. John 10:27-28 Yet Hebrews 6 says: Weird, they contradict... Let's see what John said in 1 John 2. So...
  10. J

    What are his commandments?

    @Webers.Home I would caution you to stop calling God a liar. Isaiah 28:10-13 God says He can speak in other languages PERFECTLY. That He can PERFECTLY bring Scripture into other languages. 1 Thessalonians 2:13 I know you cannot perfectly bring Koine Greek into English, that is apparent...
  11. J

    Faith without repentance is Dead !

    Your title says: "Faith without repentance is dead" Why would anyone say that? Let us see what the word of God says... Romans 11:29 What is a gift and calling of God? Ephesians 2:8 Looks like your religion is dead. For the Bible says repentance is not needed, that faith is a GIFT... How...
  12. J

    My KJV Debate with Jeffrey Dollar

    Amazing buddy, so let's get this straight... You just said... 1.) A person is born again with incorruptible seed. 2.) This incorruptible seed comes from a corrupted/corruptable word of God. 3.) Therefore the word of God is not incorruptible in 1 Peter 1:23, but instead it is only the seed that...
  13. J

    My KJV Debate with Jeffrey Dollar

    I am staunchly KJV-only. I was saved over a decade ago now... Spent 7 years using what ever translation I fancied till one day I decided to ask God what Bible he created. Became KJV onlyist after a few months of research. And have stayed KJV only due to research, prayer, and the Holy Ghost...
  14. J

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    Buddy, you should read Kings before assuming that is a contradiction. See this is apparent that you found this refutation from Google or Youtube, or was given it by some ignoramous... And you NEVER fact checked it. Have you never read 2 kings? Surely a man who has read 2 Kings would have...
  15. J

    The Error of KJV-Onlyism

    It doesn't. Give me one error. I will wait.
  16. J

    Justification in Romans

    If you actually read Romans 11, you would see Paul already answered your objection in Romans 11:1 The reason why Paul says this is so ignorant people will not say "he can't be talking about nations because individuals are saved" Paul makes it abundantly clear, even though individuals will be...
  17. J

    Why was Cain's offer rejected?

    It's not complex.... Adam and eve make clothes of themselves out of fig leaves... NOT ACCEPTABLE... Genesis 3:7 God makes them coats from Animal skins. Gen 3:21 The VERY FIRST covering of sin in all the Bible required a death of a thing that is living... Man's own works were not good enough...
  18. J

    Justification in Romans

    1 tim 4:1, lets see the reason you would not quote it but only reference it. That ain't about salvation, that is about DOCTRINE. Kind of ironic that hack-up-a-lung would confuse a passage talking about people taking in doctrines of devils with salvation. What does Paul say about salvation...
  19. J

    Justification in Romans

    If you can lose salvation it AINT ETERNAL. What @Hakawaka has just given is a cursed Gospel not from Paul. Jesus says if ANY man comes to Him, He will no wise cast out or lose. John 6:37-40 The guy whose name sounds like a person coughing up a lung is very fitting considering his DISGUSTING...
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    I know that's not true. Galatians 2:16 So @kqr_anointed are you saved? If so, how do you know?