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    Turkish Christian looking for advice

    Hi again, my experience in Orthodox Church was good so nothing to say. More recently İ was searching Christian stuff in youtube to learn and İ heard there is mysterious book not included in the Bible that is the book of Enoch, İ heard its very dark book that scandalizes Jews and Christians so...
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    Turkish Christian looking for advice

    May be but with our atention spans destroyed by internet it takes time and effort
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    İ feel you bro, İm from Turkey where Christians are below %1 of population and everyone İ know is Muslim or atheist, you are welcome
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    Hi from Iceland

    Hi Sigrid İm totally new Christian from Turkey and here many people including my family also is very similar with İslam being Muslim only by name, you are welcome!!
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    Turkish Christian looking for advice

    İ also believe Jesus is the way truth and life but İ respect the right of people to have different belief, being ex Muslim İ know well how not respecting religious freedom ends
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    Turkish Christian looking for advice

    May be in past but today they are talking about it without shame and publish info about sexual abuse this is what İ hear atleast
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    Turkish Christian looking for advice

    Yes İm new Christian and dont know much İ can be wrong but İ know the basics that difference all forms of Christianity. My knowledge of Protestantism is in most part from versions that are, dont know how to say it so İm saying more modern, the type that dont care about tradition and want to be...
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    Turkish Christian looking for advice

    İm not Catholic and İ understand this is problem in the Catholic Church but İ really dislike how people spread this disgrace all over the internet in bad Fatih trying to place the problem on the Catholic Church in place of the objective evil that is sexual abuse pretending that this is something...
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    Turkish Christian looking for advice

    1 Not sure what you mean with traditional, İ know there are some Protestant groups with more established doctrine and organization like Lutherans but here in Turkey they dont exist or are süper small groups with 1 or 2 communities in all the country and never outside İstanbul or other mega city...
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    Turkish Christian looking for advice

    Dont worry much this behavior is very typical of him. He is not bad person, he can be stupid and annoying at times but this is his personality and he did the questions in sarcastic tone without expressing hate or resentment. But İ have to admit my brother is big Turkish nationalist, not the...
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    Turkish Christian looking for advice

    There is autonomous Turkish Orthodox Church but its süper small and not on my city, Turkish Orthodox Christians always been under Greek patriarchy. There is historic Catholic Church here in Edirne also but its been defunct for long time and Protestant Churches İ dont have interest, İ have...
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    Turkish Christian looking for advice

    So İ was telling my parents that İ will go to Church next Sunday and after some explanation they accepted. My brother also was hearing what İ said from distance and like is usual for him he started making many stupid questions but one of his questions entered my head, and this question was why...
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    Turkish Christian looking for advice

    Thanks and yes İ know there is Bulgarian Orthodox Church here in Edirne because its close to Bulgarian border and yes will try to go there and get Turkish Bible
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    Turkish Christian looking for advice

    Thanks there are some Turkish Bibles online so no problem but İ will try to get some physical one also. And reading all New Testement that will take time haha but İ can try
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    Turkish Christian looking for advice

    Hello all İm Turkish and new to the Christian religion. First of all my family is secular Muslim and İ have atheist brother so İm safe dont worry. So recently İ took interest on the Christian religion more specifically Orthodox Christianity and İ looked some stuff but dude no idea how to...