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  1. S

    The Church is complicated sometimes

    Hi, In this case the senior pastors leadership style was criticized of being demanding, he was a visionary leader with desires of growth, not necessarily compromising the necessity of deep roots in the biblical teachings. There was a cultural focus which should reflect Christian beliefs and...
  2. S

    The Church is complicated sometimes

    Hi Dino246, Thank you for sharing and your advice. There are similarities within your story and mine, even though it was not doctrinal differences but leadership issues which forced a change of direction. I have been very disappointed seeing my leaders and friends make decisions with such...
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    The Church is complicated sometimes

    Hi Gideon300, Thank you for sharing your reflections and story. I understand and agree that in our world today there is a mix of shallowness within our churches, and our roots and maturity takes time. Where there is shallowness, either in a specific person, a local church or even community I...
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    The Church is complicated sometimes

    Thank you for sharing a part of your story. I have been through similar process; firstly accepting that I cannot influence or change what has happened, secondly forgiving a whole lot of people to release myself and them into further service and thirdly moving on into any new paths that God have...
  5. S

    The Church is complicated sometimes

    Hi, The church is such an important fellowship of believers and our mission is filled with meaning and purpose. My experience with the church have brought light into my life and changed my perspectives on all things, it taught me that we do not live for ourselves but for Jesus, and therefore...