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  1. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    Yes ZNP i didnt watch the link because its probably one of those false charges brought against Him like all the others. He took a bullet for America why would he defraud New York of 300 million tell me.
  2. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    No I don't remember because Donald Trump never defrauded New York of 300 million dollars.
  3. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    Some disciple please I have carefully read every post you have made and I am not attacking you I just want to know where your heart is please tell me. I am responding your posts.
  4. G

    Crown of Thorns

    They put a jagged thorn of crowns on His precious head. His life-giving blood ran down his broken face. He suffered the greatest disgrace any man ever suffered He became sin for us and Father God turned His back on His beloved Son. Jesus cried out "Father why have you forsaken me but yet He...
  5. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    S Some Disciple, I must ask you a question do you support woke destructive leftist policies such as:destroying this country,allowing illegal immigrants to come into our nation and commit atrocities against our people. Are you for same sex marriages which go against the natural created order...
  6. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    Y Some Disciple your view of Trump is incorrect give me a break. He took a bullet to the head for America and they tried to assassinate Him on the golf course in Florida. They brought false legal accusations against him and most of these have been dismissed . It was prophesied by a famous...
  7. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    Pete Hekseth should fire every woke general that has compromised the U.S. military and put this country at risk on the international stage. He will clean house make us a respected world power again and protect the American people.
  8. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    Dont think so Trump isnt Surely Trump will make America great again will not demand tribute because He isnt that kind of president. He will use the military to protect us not police the world.
  9. G

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    Agreed but since 2020 there have been election reform laws enacted in different states and clearly there were states that conducted unconstitutional election processes. Election reform is well underway and the 2024 election clearly was a result of clean and fair election processes. Trump won...
  10. G

    The Righteous King

    The Righteous King came clothed in flesh to His own. He spoke with power and acted in love that no one could deny that He and only He is the Righteous King sitting at the right Hand of God on high. He who was glorified by the ancient of Days because He gave His life for us all that no one...
  11. G

    Things are changing under Trump. Lets keep count:

    He was unqualified to be the prosecutor in first place; he should never had been hired in the first place. Good thing he is resigning because he was useless anyway.
  12. G

    Things are changing under Trump. Lets keep count:

    Biden needs to be held accountable for his atrocious border policies resulting in illegal immigrants coming into America and committing crimes against our citizens like Laken Riley being murdered while she was jogging. Fentanyl killing countless Americans because God is restoring America and...
  13. G

    God Uses The Uncommon

    But Roughsoul1991 this is the whole point Roughsoul1991you are not a common vessel to God and please don't try to fit in with other members in the body of Christ because God has given you a unique mission and purpose in His kingdom. Just flow with His Spirit and let Him lead you into the...
  14. G

    God Uses The Uncommon

    Look at the greatest servant of all the most uncommon human being to ever walk the earth Jesus Christ a man Philippians 2:7 " but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. He made Himself of no reputation and gave His life giving blood...