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  1. thewriter


    The nurse called me, I’m pushing amputation.
  2. thewriter


    Update: I was on the plan for knee replacement. However, the new doctor wants me to go back to the original doctor to have the implants removed. There is a problem with that. I was med flighted over 2 hours to get the first surgeries. It’s going to be very hard to get there just for another...
  3. thewriter


    Amen and Amen. To be in Christ is to have victory in everything. Even in the bad storms, like in the good. Very true. Thank you.
  4. thewriter


  5. thewriter


    A good day is when I am at ease without the attacks from satan. The bad days? Are whe satan attacks. At times I remind him of his future. However, what goes with a good day is no pain. I have days with pain and not, tested and not. Its a battle. However, I have not given up yet. Even though...
  6. thewriter


    I still write, that had not changed. I have dealt with having my faith tested quite a bit. I do pray and read scripture. I also have friends that I talk to daily that God brought my way and that had helped me a whole lot. They keep my laughing, and we discuss scripture and God. Even when I...
  7. thewriter


    I have been coming to this site off and on through the years. I leave, then find myself back here. Fellowship is important. However, this is my first post this time. As I need prayer for strength. I broke up with my fiance last year she had cheated on me over, and over to as why I left her but...