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  1. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    Yes I some time try to explain to her and some times she ask me questions, like this I took up here. Some time I believe that this is just how I believe, but the other in church believe in other way and I have try to tell her is not like that. She have have been with me two times. The first time...
  2. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    As she is not christian she think there is more rules as a christian, I have try to explain to here that being a christian is not about following a list of roles. I tell her is a relationship and to love God. But still she have lots of questions about roles. I think they have bad experience from...
  3. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    Yes God is the 1st. He is more important than any sport. Here in Sweden is free to drive snowmobile, is just some arias ware you are not allow to drive. Some places have speed limits and other have no speed limit :)
  4. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    I have only seen films and picture from New Zealand, It seems very nice
  5. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    Who have I invite me to? Did I say I know parachute? (I say I have done it and I control the bag, that dose not mean that I do not have a instructor with me, you need to have certificate to do it all by your self). maybe if you live here for a while you would see for your self. I'm far from...
  6. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    yea, I don't know what world he lives in, here in Sweden especially up here north is more normal to being active doing all kind of sports my age. And being out hiking, I can say that I am not the first. Mayne he like people my age sitting behind a iPad so he know ware we are?
  7. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    What you mean by this?
  8. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    yea, I'l be there and borrow your Jetski, ore I bring my own :). My half brother borrow one this summer so I could try it when I visit
  9. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    yea it is so fun, but even more fun ware it is able to bump also
  10. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    Yes, I think it is true as you say. I always take safety first. I'm not taking dumb risk. And I also think if it is not right then my interest would be less as I keep to God. But so far I have only found ways to worship God in same time as I do my sports.
  11. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    is very nice going with snowmobile, you come so close to nature
  12. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    you can always skydive together with some one, there is for two person. Not long ago it was a lady doing it for the first time when she turn 75 :). you might not do it on your own
  13. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    I have no bike yet, but when I can I will defensively get one. I have a snowmobile (snowbike) is 650cc so it is pretty quick :). So in heaven I see you as we drive bike to the snowy mountains :love:
  14. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    I'm serious about my question here. I read and listen to your opinions. I know that we think differently, some of us, that's what's so good. I learn a lot from what I read here and in the other threads here on the forum. For me, it's interesting to read the opinions of different people, I also...
  15. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    It was interesting reading, thank you
  16. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    you compare snowboarding with jumping to a stone ground? and again if it is the rush you mean then also I can not go in front of other people in church on a meeting talking? as I get same adrenaline rush from that as I get when jumping with my snowboard from a cliff? and because not every one...
  17. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    are you serious? what rumor did you listen to to believe that ice hockey player would seek for killing an other player? come out from the closet an take a deep breath... maybe take a walk to a high cliff and see Gods nature... just don't go close, you might fall. sorry but when you tell things...
  18. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    Thank you :) I will absolutely read that
  19. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    Yes sorry now I understand what you mean. As what I do is something I do when I have time for it and still have time for God, plus I worship god as snowboarding for example I don't think that that is any issue for me
  20. ImLova

    Does the Bible say anything about doing adventure sports?

    wooaw that is amazing, I would also love to visit Iceland some time