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  1. SavedByBlood

    This is who the media is trying to sell to me as the best candidate?

    I'll explain the point of the compilation, but I will also ask of you first, Its been nearly 4 weeks since she has been coronated as the democrat nominee, she has not taken any unscripted questions from the press, and her main campaign ad is elect me and I'll fix all the problems I had a part...
  2. SavedByBlood

    Trump: You won’t have to vote again

    There is also this. Electronic voting was to take us into the era of election night results with no cheating, instead it has made electio res more questionable.
  3. SavedByBlood

    Trump: You won’t have to vote again

    I prefer to think it is still an uphill race and it must be won. I have seen too many red wave talks to coast . An honest election would easily be won but, too many hands have tipped the scales skew election results.
  4. SavedByBlood

    Trump: You won’t have to vote again

    This is Kamala Harris at her best. Not one interview or press conference since she stepped in as candidate with not one single primary vote. Democracy at its best. 🤣
  5. SavedByBlood

    The Covid CANCER Shot!

    This is a long and extensive conclusion of silver as a medicinal compound so I'll save you time. It's a pretty much use with caution and at your own risk. I myself am comfortable with the way I use it.
  6. SavedByBlood

    This is who the media is trying to sell to me as the best candidate?

    Came across this clip while watching the Dan Bongino show. I know a lot of American's have a short memory or are extremely busy with day to day tasks, but is this the person we want having access to the nuclear codes or being commander in Chief of the U.S. armed forces? Being a veteran of the...
  7. SavedByBlood

    The Covid CANCER Shot!

    Yes thanks you. Rooting gel is what I meant. Not enough sleep last night, my brain is in a holding pattern still trying to push start.:ROFL:
  8. SavedByBlood

    The Covid CANCER Shot!

    It's difficult to tell, everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. That being said, it makes for great satire.
  9. SavedByBlood

    The Covid CANCER Shot!

    I did some research after your previous post telling me that the non irradiated berries could be planted. I'm probably better going into the woods and cutting a few clippings locally, put with some cloning gel on, and root from there.
  10. SavedByBlood

    The Covid CANCER Shot!

    The comments on x are funny. No one holds back their disdain for Fauci. I am not vaxxed, no chauffeur, no security detail and I do all my own shopping. I got the Omicron strain in early 2020. Nothing since. Faith in God wins over faith on government.
  11. SavedByBlood

    The Covid CANCER Shot!

    Thank you! I did not realize the non irradiated berries were similar to the homestead seed that a person can plant and grow. I may give it a whirl. I'll have to research rate of growth to mature for getting the berry.
  12. SavedByBlood

    The Covid CANCER Shot!

    Good Morning @cv5 @HealthAndHappiness There is also Organic Elderberry tea you can make using these. I was making the tea in 2012-2013 and for some reason could not find is on Amazon anymore, my wife just checked and it is on there now. Here is the link and a review from a verified...
  13. SavedByBlood

    The Covid CANCER Shot!

    That is the claim. I had covid only one time in March of 2020. I started using the nano silver in July of that year and have not had it since. I do supplement Vitamins C, D, magnesium and a few others. I also vastly improved my diet.
  14. SavedByBlood

    The Coup

    When a politician does go to prison , DOJ makes sure it's someone like this, A decorated Vietnam combat veteran. Makes me wonder why? I'm sure a large majority of politicians take bribes in the form of gift, overpaid speaking engagements, insider trading, buying&selling stocks that are...
  15. SavedByBlood

    Hello I'm Mark, an American expatriate living in South Africa.

    I remember coming out of the military 40 years reading the scriptures truly for the first time, not because of being forced at catholic school, but because God laid it upon my heart. Reading it with the eyes of a newborn for the first time was so beautiful. As I found myself going into the...
  16. SavedByBlood

    Paris Christians arrested for protesting Anti-Christian attacks.

    Some may not believe that the opening ceremony was a mocking of the last supper, but some of those who were there, think otherwise.
  17. SavedByBlood

    More prayers needed for christian Business owners

    Hard to make a living when the spirit of Sodem and Gomorrah wickedly protest outside your coffee shop. Try protesting outside a reproductive rights center. Just a, Dear Lord, please remember those who love you will do...
  18. SavedByBlood

    Dietary laws, do you keep them?

    These could be 2 verses. Compare them with the 10 commandments which are no longer commandments but have been reduced to suggestions. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 King James Version 9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor...
  19. SavedByBlood

    Hello I'm Mark, an American expatriate living in South Africa.

    Those topics mentioned have been viciously debated for years on this site. It's unlikely you'll bring anything new that will sway anyone. But if mean spirited disagreement is your thing then you'll fit right in. If that's not your thing, well, i hope you have thick skin. It gets rough in the BDF...
  20. SavedByBlood

    The Covid CANCER Shot!

    Can I get in on this a little? From memory it was a dystopian 1984 novel like society. A small resistance group stumbled upon an alien invasion force that had taken over all aspects of our society, government, federal, state and local, media and law enforcement, education. The sunglasses...