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  1. Kyle89


    Hey my brother we would love to share scriptures a study the meaning with you ! what questions are on your mind ?
  2. Kyle89

    Understanding The Kings James Version Bible Tips

    My apologies Adstar I need to learn to muzzle my mouth, be quick to listen slow to speak I’m sorry my bro
  3. Kyle89

    Understanding The Kings James Version Bible Tips

    Ok ok I see I’m at fault in that respect, thank you Gary let me apologise, I humbly admit you are both right an I have much learning to continue. Thank you my bro all my love from a tiny little infant from the uk
  4. Kyle89

    Understanding The Kings James Version Bible Tips

    😂 so rude!! Ok it’s clear My English grammar is obviously not 100%! yet you know exactly what my intentions was to express, can you please except my imperfections? 😂 brothers can not help but be hateful! If God is love shows you don’t know him as well a Thanks for attempting to belittle my...
  5. Kyle89

    Understanding The Kings James Version Bible Tips

    :rolleyes: Thank you so much can feel your love a kindness can feel you’re spiritually qualified, most so Christians here just ready to belittle a mock, spiritual infants! Thank you again for your word
  6. Kyle89

    Understanding The Kings James Version Bible Tips

    , I should say I’m speaking for myself only I want to get as close to Jesus as possible we are all on the same team here. I grew up with the King James Version just had no one to help me study in-depth, I could never understand and relate to the Latin words, also the foundation of my faith is...
  7. Kyle89

    Understanding The Kings James Version Bible Tips

    Not all copies of ancient Bible manuscripts contain identical wording. How then can we know what the original text contained the situation could be likened to that of a teacher, who asks 100 students to copy a chapter of a book, even if the original chapter was later, lost a comparison of 100...
  8. Kyle89

    Understanding The Kings James Version Bible Tips

    Your statement is so true, all I have is love in my ❤️ ,, even though no original Bible, manuscript of the Hebrew and Aramaic Scriptures all of the Christian Greek Scriptures have survived to our day. Therefore how can we be so certain that the contents of the Bible we have today, truly...
  9. Kyle89

    Understanding The Kings James Version Bible Tips

    Thank you for your insight would you advise the nwt is corrupt?
  10. Kyle89

    Understanding The Kings James Version Bible Tips

    Hey was that a question ? Or was you pointing out a mistake I made ? I’m here to learn my brother be mindful an kind an show humility
  11. Kyle89

    Anybody else currently fasting? Need Help

    Just see this so happy for you my brother
  12. Kyle89

    Anybody else currently fasting? Need Help

    The fact your even attempting fasting shows your on the right track I think because you’re so close to god, Satan is all out attacking you spiritually keeping you distracted you’re so close don’t stop what ever you’re doing!! The depressing thoughts suicidal thoughts are not yours they’re Satans...
  13. Kyle89

    Understanding The Kings James Version Bible Tips

    For the most intimate relationship with god new world translation is vital
  14. Kyle89


    Chat theology with me sometime please :)
  15. Kyle89

    Give me bad advice...

    You can make it on your own
  16. Kyle89

    1 Corinthians 13:31 So that it may be just as it’s written, whoever boasts let them boast in...

    1 Corinthians 13:31 So that it may be just as it’s written, whoever boasts let them boast in Jehovah.. This is from new world translation bible. Anyone who would like to compare scripture with there bible, I would love that so much I use NWT bible because I feel I can have a more personal...
  17. Kyle89

    The words of god is power!! Now you can see why my faiths so strong

    The words of god is power!! Now you can see why my faiths so strong
  18. Kyle89

    Hosea 14:13 From the power of the Grave I will redeem them From death I will recover them...

    Hosea 14:13 From the power of the Grave I will redeem them From death I will recover them. Where are your stings, O Death? Where is your destructiveness, O Grave? 1 Corinthians 15:55 "Death, where is your victory? Death, where is your sting?" Isaiah 25:8 He will swallow up death forever...
  19. Kyle89

    My favourite place is 5.30 am, out in nature gazing as the sun rises .. then in the evening...

    My favourite place is 5.30 am, out in nature gazing as the sun rises .. then in the evening, I’m heading out high to watch it set again, don’t let no one tell you the sun is bad for you 👍 Ecclesiastes 11.7 light is sweet and it’s good for the eyes to see the sun Just be respectful...
  20. Kyle89

    1john 1:5

    1john 1:5