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  1. F


    haha! duly noted
  2. F


    Thank you for your rephrase. My struggle is the hatred of women in positions of pastor or general church leadership, from some that don't share that view. I have seen many that may be more of the Deborah's Priscilla's, Elizabeth's, Mary's, Ruth's, and Miriam's of our time be subjected to name...
  3. F


    Can I ask that you rephrase "Personally, I suspect I might be of a pattern, myself, of the church that suffers that woman jezebel (but I am not that woman and neither should you allow anyone to convince you that you might be and in no position to be a leader)" to ensure I understand what you are...
  4. F


    Thank you everyone for taking the time to respond - for your encouragement, your prayers, your words of wisdom, your corrections and questions. I greatly appreciate this and today was able to enter into a more focused time of devotion, prayer and worship. Thank you for your response and...
  5. F


    Thank you for your response. I do know why that is, he is using me in other areas at the moment rather than a paid pastoral position and in the meantime he is healing me from the trauma from this position. Thank God.
  6. F


    I really appreciate response. Thank you.
  7. F


    Thank you for your response and this gentle correction. I don't think my faith has been built on people, but I do think my eyes stray from Christ and who he is, to what I see in his followers. You are right. It is sometimes that loneliness in my faith that I find my focus wanders. Life, and...
  8. F


    Yes you are so right. That is why at times I have difficulty seeing those who have been placed in positions of power that are abusing that power. Not using it as influence but as control. Seeing that hostile revolt, and making hard decisions as to when to speak, when to be quiet and when to exit...
  9. F


    Thank you. Although he may be gently dragging me at the moment :) Thank you for your follow up, I read your first response as encouragement as I did the second. So thank you.
  10. F


    Thank you Cameron for this. That is where my eyes need to see and be reminded of all that he is accomplishing. Whatever that may be. He has certainly blessed me. Thank you
  11. F


    Just really struggling with my faith as of late. I am an x pastor. But seeing abusive leaders in positions of power that are harming those trying to focus on Christ but are still in positions of power, or those that have sexually abused congregates but takes a while for them to be removed in...