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  1. AlwaysCurious

    Eight views on the RAPTURE and the Tribulation

    Eight views on the RAPTURE and the Tribulation: 1. Pre-tribulation view The rapture occurs before the 7 year tribulation period begins. 2. Partial-tribulation view Not all believers will be raptured, only those who have some degree of spiritual attainment. Unworthy Christians will be left...
  2. AlwaysCurious

    The killer flaw in pre-tribulation rapture doctrine

    Eight views on the RAPTURE and the Tribulation: 1. Pre-tribulation view The rapture occurs before the 7 year tribulation period begins. 2. Partial-tribulation view Not all believers will be raptured, only those who have some degree of spiritual attainment. Unworthy Christians will be left...
  3. AlwaysCurious

    The Day and Hour Unknown

    Get a life.
  4. AlwaysCurious

    The Day and Hour Unknown

    Five views on the RAPTURE of the church: 1. Pre-tribulation view The rapture occurs before the 7 year tribulation period begins. 2. Partial tribulation view Not all believers will be raptured - only those who have some degree of spiritual attainment that makes them worthy. Unworthy Christians...
  5. AlwaysCurious

    The Day and Hour Unknown

    The Rapture and Jewish Weddings You have permission to copy and distribute this material. There is an interesting parallel between a Jewish wedding and the Rapture. Only a Pre-Tribulation Rapture will fit into this scenario. Three groups of people were present at every...
  6. AlwaysCurious

    The killer flaw in pre-tribulation rapture doctrine

    Great answer! Here is how think the time will be shortened. We all know that in the past God has; a) stopped the earth’s spin and b) reversed the earth’s spin, so what I’m proposing here is not beyond reason. Half-way into the 7 Year/2520 day Tribulation Period: The earth’s rate of spin will...
  7. AlwaysCurious

    The Day and Hour Unknown

    SUNDAY RAPTURE THEORY Throughout the church age Sunday has been sanctified to Christ and his bride (the church): the first day of the week, the day of His resurrection- designated the “Lord’s Day” by his beloved disciples. How appropriate would it be for Christ to claim His bride on this...
  8. AlwaysCurious

    CJ Lovik with another prophecy backing up his 2030 return of Jesus

    Yes, CJL believes that the first 69 weeks of Daniel’s 70 week prophesy were literal 360 day years and 30 day months. However: Chuck Missler teaches that a catastrophic celestial event occurred around 701 BC which ended the old 360 day year and 30 day month. I’m sorry I can’t find a link to that...
  9. AlwaysCurious

    CJ Lovik with another prophecy backing up his 2030 return of Jesus

    WE are clearly not on the same page and will likely never be able to agree until one or both of us are proven wrong (as these prophesied events become history in the making) The following article explains how many Christians like myself understand the coming 7 year Tribulation period. BIBLE...
  10. AlwaysCurious

    CJ Lovik with another prophecy backing up his 2030 return of Jesus

    Dispensations Chart Yes he does. He doesn't go into as much detail, but he sates early in the video that on day one the year will change to 360 days and the month to 30 days. (An easy thing for the Lord who controls the universe)
  11. AlwaysCurious

    CJ Lovik with another prophecy backing up his 2030 return of Jesus

    Mark 13:24-27 E. The Second Advent (13:24-27) 13:24, 25 After that tribulation, there will be startling disturbances in the heavens. Darkness will shroud the earth both by day and by night. The stars of heaven will fall and the powers in the heavens (the forces that keep stellar bodies in...
  12. AlwaysCurious

    CJ Lovik with another prophecy backing up his 2030 return of Jesus

    Mark 13:14-23 D. The Great Tribulation (13:14-23) 13:14-18 Verse 14 marks the middle of the Tribulation Period, the beginning of the Great Tribulation. We know this by comparing this passage with Daniel Dan 9:27. At that time, a great abominable idol will be set up in the temple in Jerusalem...
  13. AlwaysCurious

    CJ Lovik with another prophecy backing up his 2030 return of Jesus

    I think you are misunderstanding me. When did I ever say that "it will take 3.5 years to cleanse the kingdom of all sinners"??? All I said is that there are 7 yrs of Tribulation (divided into two equal halves of 3.5 yrs or 42 months) The latter 42 months is called "The Great Tribulation". The...
  14. AlwaysCurious

    The sun is flat, unlike the earth.

    Classified NASA image of our FLAT sun
  15. AlwaysCurious

    The sun is flat, unlike the earth.

    Every child knows that its flat…
  16. AlwaysCurious

    CJ Lovik with another prophecy backing up his 2030 return of Jesus

    On “Day One” of the 7 Year Tribulation Period, both C.J.Lovik and I are in agreement that… (Note: The last 3.5 years is referred to as "The Great Tribulation") Two major astronomical events will occur: 1. The earth’s orbital speed will increase resulting in a return to the ancient 360 day...
  17. AlwaysCurious

    CJ Lovik with another prophecy backing up his 2030 return of Jesus

    On “Day One” of the 7 Year Tribulation Period, both C.J.Lovik and I are in agreement that… (Note: The last 3.5 years is referred to as "The Great Tribulation") Two major astronomical events will occur: 1. The earth’s orbital speed will increase resulting in a return to the ancient 360 day...
  18. AlwaysCurious

    The sun is flat, unlike the earth.

    If it is flat it rotates on its axis once every 365.25 days. Otherwise it would disappear twice each year as we circumnavigate it.
  19. AlwaysCurious

    CJ Lovik with another prophecy backing up his 2030 return of Jesus

    Rev 12:12 Therefore rejoice, O heavens, and you who dwell in them! Woe to the inhabitants of the earth and the sea! For the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, because he knows that he has a short time.” Won’t he be ticked when he finds out he’s been shortchanged another 10,521 hours!