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  1. Lucio_bl

    The First War Began In Heaven

    Hello, thanks for your response, although I believe we shouldn't speculate and go off on how we may interpret scripture, but by the word of God The Name Satan actually means 'Adversary' Lucifer is Satan please read the following citations from God's inspired word. Isaiah 14:12-14 "How art...
  2. Lucio_bl

    The First War Began In Heaven

    Not Mary Baker Eddy Btw
  3. Lucio_bl

    The First War Began In Heaven

    To clear any misunderstandings, the bible makes it evident that during the war in heaven the earth was already created, but when it all started meaning when, when Lucifer was created and then decieded to want to be "like God" may have very well been before earth was in existence. Hope that helps!
  4. Lucio_bl

    The First War Began In Heaven

    It all began before the earth was created. In the heavenly courts, next to the throne of God, stood an angel who possessed great beauty and wisdom. He was a leader of angels and the “covering cherub.” Ezekiel 28: 14 describes him this way: “You were the anointed cherub who covers; I established...