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  1. ThomasQQQQQQ

    new guy 73 years old

    Yes, your quote in red is a part of our peace, however the general public thinks we are "NUTS". I have learned to manage my reaction to suck horrible responses. My two huge problems are the brainless Evolutionist and NASA, some good people in NASA but their mission is to prove God never was...
  2. ThomasQQQQQQ

    new guy 73 years old

    I am also looking for help with my ministry and a married couple would be to me a very strong working partner relationship. what do you think? I have 3 books written and my web page is
  3. ThomasQQQQQQ

    new guy 73 years old

    Psalms 31 is almost a daily read for me. The Trinity is so faithful and Jesus showed it on His time on Earth. Thomas
  4. ThomasQQQQQQ

    new guy 73 years old

    If only life was was easy a M&M's Some good times are wonderful I am looking for a good friend, partner, dreamer and love! how about you?
  5. ThomasQQQQQQ

    new guy 73 years old

    I just got on board Sept 6, 2023 . let's talk!!!!
  6. ThomasQQQQQQ

    new guy 73 years old

    are you a female duck? I like your quote!!!! Thomas
  7. ThomasQQQQQQ

    new guy 73 years old

    I just today finally signed up Sept 6,2023 . let's start talking okay. my web page is
  8. ThomasQQQQQQ

    new guy 73 years old

    I finally got signed up and paid for a years. lets start to share. my web page is hope to hear from all off you!!! Thomas
  9. ThomasQQQQQQ

    new guy 73 years old

    my web page is
  10. ThomasQQQQQQ

    new guy 73 years old

    I hope this is not against any rules?!! here is my ministry web page I have written 3 "books" on this subject and tomorrow Wed Aug 23 I am having a meeting with a potential team mate to help grow this ministry. Thomas Q
  11. ThomasQQQQQQ

    new guy 73 years old

    Yes< God's Word is the answer to this. Psalm 31 in my life and God has been faithful! Thomas !
  12. ThomasQQQQQQ

    new guy 73 years old

    Hello, may your Wednesday be good and look forward to talking through this sight. Please be patient with me ,I am very slow with computer use. I will in time get someone in my city of Littleton, Colorado that will get me up to date. Christ Blessings to you, Am I or anyone in the group aloud to...
  13. ThomasQQQQQQ

    new guy 73 years old

    I can not get my picture up on this sight! Can you help? Tomas Quinlan
  14. ThomasQQQQQQ

    new guy 73 years old

    I have been saved since 1971 and have been in full-time church work for many of years. as of 2014 I have been self employed in serving people with disabilities. This is not a consuming ministry but I do put in about 30 hours a month, very relaxing.
  15. ThomasQQQQQQ

    Finding a Christian spouse

    Yes I agree with you as for finding a spouse. Being a man it is the fact that women in general put the faith in God over their faith in their man. I do not want a weak women I want a women who has a conversation with that up ends my life with their "godly" perceptions and leaving out of my God...