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  1. KJalright


    I think those are great rules. Especially rightly dividing the word. We shouldn't get distracted by our fleshly thoughts, but focus on what God truly meant.
  2. KJalright


    [Pro 3:5-6 KJV] 5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. I think leaning on our own understanding & comfortability, has become a distraction (one that I, too am guilty of). We try to...
  3. KJalright

    I'm searching for a new Bible.

    Sometimes I use NKJV, but mainly KJV (just because I grew up reading it). I've never heard of a parallel bible before this thread, but after a brief search I think they're a great idea too! Might just buy me one lol. I usually use Blue Letter Bible to compare wordings and look up lexicons, so...
  4. KJalright

    Hi! Glad to be here

    That's a good one! I'll have to remember that one lol
  5. KJalright

    Hi! Glad to be here

    I'm hoping I can be extroverted online as well lol
  6. KJalright

    Hi! Glad to be here

    Thanks for the offer 😄
  7. KJalright

    Hi! Glad to be here

    Thanks! (Nice profile pic btw lol)
  8. KJalright

    Hi! Glad to be here

    Thanks! I look forward to posting more as well 😅
  9. KJalright

    Hi! Glad to be here

    Heyy. I'm Kelly. New here! (Obviously lol) Just looking to talk with fellow Christians and become stronger in my faith. I am an introvert, but love the idea of making a new friend haha. I love to smile and laugh. :)