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  1. P

    Disliking the bible.

    I would suggest having many different versions available, and if you think you hit a part that was translated incorrectly, check the other versions. Even at my church, they will read the same passage from multiple different versions so we can develop the most accurate interpretation. Sometimes...
  2. P

    How can you talk to someone about issues between you, like a parent or a spouse, who you know has no issue lying to you?

    @Tararose I'm new to this forum, and new to exploring faith, so please forgive my ignorance in advance... but you did indicate that abuse would be grounds for divorce, and if your husband is perpetually lying to you that IS abuse. If you feel unsafe and uneasy in your home, that IS abuse...
  3. P

    New here

    @Magenta My husband and I watched a movie on Amazon a couple of weeks ago that I also thought might be interesting for my kids to watch. The movie is called God's Not Dead ( ) and it is a Kevin Sorbo movie where Kevin plays...
  4. P

    New here

    I got about halfway through the first Alpha video (I'm about to finish now) and then had to do some other things, but I already shared the link to my daughter (14) because she doesn't understand why suddenly this whole church/bible/faith thing became pretty real for me. To her, this came from...
  5. P

    New here

    I haven't heard of the Alpha Course, is that what these videos are all about? I'll check them out.
  6. P

    New here

    Hello all! I just really embraced my faith a few months ago after finding a church that really spoke to me. I was raised as a Christian but always felt skeptical and never fully embraced it until now. After I found this church, I've also decided to read through the bible so I can learn more...