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  1. A

    The State of the World Today! Is it the Endtimes??????

    Yes you are right because God is revealing the sequence of events to his prophets through fulfillments on the news which I have been witnessing. once the mark is implemented you have maybe a little less than 42 months the angel tells Daniel until christs return I estimate about five or six years...
  2. A

    Rapture True or False.

    The Bible is plain and clear about the rapture The bible says in I believe its first Corinthians We Shall Not Proceed those who have fallen asleep in Christ all the dead from old testament to new testament. for the dead in Christ shall rise first then we who are alive and Remain shall be caught...
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    Rapture True or False.

    Michael does not stand up and deliver Jews only its every one who was found written in the book of life, and that does not take place until you see Christ come through those clouds like he says The sun will be darkened and the moon will not give her light. then the sound of the trumpet the last...