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  1. H

    Jesus will be back soon

    The disgusting people who allow this experiment on children will be sent to hell i hope. I will pray for that. Selfish sociopaths like that deserve it. The risk is to high to keep them here.
  2. H

    Jesus will be back soon

    It´s no real secret that there are those in the establishment who want to reduce the world population.😡 A reduced and pharma dependent pop would benefit them when the economy collapse. And it soon will.
  3. H

    Jesus will be back soon

    Can you read???? It´s about not experimenting on children!!! Or where do you draw the line where this experiment is just fine? 5 year olds?
  4. H

    Jesus will be back soon

    Geert Vanden Bossche "Pediatricians, Internationally, Please Call for an Immediate Halt to the Global Campaign to Vaccinate Children against COVID"...
  5. H

    Jesus will be back soon

    When just a few corporations control most of the media then mass psychoses like these can happen.
  6. H

    Jesus will be back soon

    So you even recommend doing this experiment on children? Why???? Perhaps you can link to the long term safety studies then??? I have linked to studies that show the injections may have serious consequences.
  7. H

    Jesus will be back soon

    Are you saying everyone in the spiritual world are evil but authorities in governments and agencies like CDC must automatically be good and should always be trusted? You make no sense at all.
  8. H

    Jesus will be back soon

    Parallel lines. Same distance between the blue lines.
  9. H

    Jesus will be back soon

    Same color same angle.
  10. H

    Jesus will be back soon

    You can see it right? It´s not exact since it´s markets. But almost.
  11. H

    Jesus will be back soon

    I think U.S stock markets started trading 1790.
  12. H

    Jesus will be back soon

    That the global economy is at a very critical level can also be seen in different charts over stock markets etc. Dow Jones transportation. The lines are parallel.
  13. H

    Jesus will be back soon

    Control money and you control people. That is why the beasts are so powerful. I think the beasts are those lizzards David Icke writes about. I did see them once i think. The global economy is designed to self destruct because of the debt system. Total debt must always increase to pay for the...
  14. H

    Jesus will be back soon

    Malaysian Prime Minister warns about what's coming and turned down the New World Order "elites" offer to join the club during Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations in 2015 and warned the world of their plans to enslave humanity, after depopulation.
  15. H

    Jesus will be back soon

    The new system they plan will be CBDC, social credits, personal carbon credits and surveillance. It´s on WEF´s website so it´s not really a secret. This will of course give huge power to them and the beasts.
  16. H

    Jesus will be back soon

    Israel: Chronic Covid Persists in Guts and Immune CD8 Cells, like AIDS
  17. H

    Jesus will be back soon

    Pfizer Vaccine Causes COVID Reinfections, Disables Natural Immunity!
  18. H

    Jesus will be back soon

    Study: Boosted People Slowest to Clear COVID-19
  19. H

    Jesus will be back soon

    It´s well known that there are those in the establishment who want to depopulate. When the economy implodes (It will soon my contacts say) their only chance to remain in power would be to depopulate and bring in a new system with less human rights. Hungary: Highest Vaccinated Counties Have...