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  1. J

    Sexual Temptation (TMI warning)

    I think you need to calm down about the "This is my only chance" thing. Someone is going to marry you, be in peace with yourself about that, marriage is a lot more than just atractiveness and trivial stuff, thats just the beginning. Marriage is a bound where man and woman build a life with...
  2. J

    Hello to everyone

    Thanks a lot, is nice to meet you!
  3. J


    The story about you finding that Bible was kind of like mine. I was in such a bad moment and I had an urge to find a little plastic cross that was in my old night table drawer, it made me be in peace just for holding it, that was my revelation.
  4. J

    Hello to everyone

    Hi, my name is Juan (the nickname is just an artist nickname), I'm from Chile, Im 21 years old, almost 22. Im glad to be in a Christian space on the web because it's a space where I think I'll feel comfortable, away from sinful and trivial stuff around "regular" social media. I admit I used to...