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  1. D

    New stage of my life

    I am also in my 60's but I am blessed with very good health. I did have to have a pace maker put in 18 months ago and half of my thyroid removed in Aug but recovered from both quickly and better than new.
  2. D

    New stage of my life

    I can't imagine going through something like this twice. How did you find the strength to make it through twice?
  3. D

    New stage of my life

    I am sorry about your marriage. But at least you have your family. My children love me and would do anything for me but my girls live about 200 miles away and my son is over 2000 miles away.
  4. D

    New stage of my life

    I was raised Baptist and my brother is a Baptist minister. My husband was raised in a Nazarene church and that is how we choose to raise our family. He was not a minister. I will someday consider selling my home and moving closer to my children but right now both of my parents live in the same...
  5. D

    New stage of my life

    My kids are a great source of support. I know they would do anything for me. And the grandkids are a blessing too. As far as traveling, that would be great but the funds just aren't there. Back in 2009 my husband had a massive heart attack. The doctor only gave him a 5percent of survival...
  6. D

    New stage of my life

    Thanks you for your kind words. Yes I belong to a church and they have been wonderful. I also have 3cats and 20 chickens. I work 3 days a week in a nursing home. But I miss someone to talk to about my day when I get home. I talk to my cats but they just stare at me. But come to think of it...
  7. D

    New stage of my life

    Hi, my name is Debra. I am going through a massive change in my life. My husband of 42years passed away last Aug. He was truly the one God chose for me. Now I have to figure out how to live without him. I couldn't even begin to do it without God in my life.