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  1. F

    Ryhme For This Jesus Of Mine

    From Time To Time I Write A Ryhme For This Jesus Of Mine... Without A Doubt I Make Clear A Loud Shout As I Climb Up A Mt Declaring The Kingdoms About... Heavenly Shoes To Fill Without A Corrupt Dollar Bill...I Fly From The Tops With My Jesus HipHops... Singing A New Song... Keeping From Doing...
  2. F

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    1kings 10:14 clearly shows who the beast is... I'm just the messenger...If you read Isaiah 45-66 then you will hear how things will be...the scripture i backed it up with makes alot of sense to the one who accepts wisdom and they add to it with their knowledge...Some people just like to debate...
  3. F

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    there is no peace it's a deception and the chosen and faithful and true followers of Jesus christ have been slaughtered as well as innocent blood under the guise of babylon...Im a shepherd of the flock...i leave the 99 and go after the 1... I fight for a Soverign New AotearoA old zealand...i've...
  4. F

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    18 After this I saw another angel descending from heaven with great authority, and the earth was illuminated by his glory. 2 And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: “She has fallen! Babylon the Great has fallen,a and she has become a dwelling place of demons and a place where every...
  5. F

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    i used to study with many different Jw congreations and all other churches they are heavily brainwashed about who the beast is but everything you said is not true...
  6. F

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    Now you know the name of the beast Solomon... whether you take out the appropriate books and not worship the beast or it's number is your free will you choose...but now is the time to seal up solomon and the number 666 from your bibles... 1 kings 11:39 And I will humiliate the offspring of...
  7. F

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    every thing that i have said is founded in scripture... you shoot from the hip not the heart...and i do the work that my creator has given me to do i tell you plainly just a crumb of what i have learned in secret... see and read isaiah 45 to 66 keep your faith but open your heart and mind...
  8. F

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    sealing up solomons works from the bible and blotting the number of the beast stops you from picking up the mark of the beast in you right hand also having the number on your forehead is symbolic of wearing a crown like solomon did after he disobeyed GOD... such as of Monarcy Rule...the symbol...
  9. F

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    999 is the ancient number of the enlightened time wise 9 hours 90 minutes and 9 minutes 9 ...1039 ten is J 3 is E 9 is W aslo alphanumerically if you make number one an I it spells GOD 9! if you spell nine it's the same cypher line as mind.... "Mind Of God" and Jew Means GOD's People...
  10. F

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    i'd take heed to listen to Jesus directly from Revelation and the angels that expressly say to not have the number or the name of the beast in your's paramount to observe Revelation over all the OT... as it is the living Prophercy Of Jesus Christ...666 spells MON soloMON to...
  11. F

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    i use the New World Translation a bit i like the tools it has
  12. F

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    18 This is where it calls for wisdom: Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the wild beast, for it is a man’s number,* and its number is 666.y look at 1kings 10:14 14 And the weight of the gold that came to Solʹo·mon in one year amounted to 666 talents of gold,q the mystery of...