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  1. RolloTamasi

    Uplifting Christian Themed music

    You guys have nothing better to do than find things wrong with things that aren't wrong. Do you feel better about yourselves? I think you are all disgusting, enough to make me leave this forum/.
  2. RolloTamasi

    Uplifting Christian Themed music

    My point was that Connie Francis was wholesome and Sunday was the Lord's day. A simple kiss was not even allowed.
  3. RolloTamasi

    Uplifting Christian Themed music

    It's a 1950's hit song.
  4. RolloTamasi

    The Round Earth

    Yes, of course, the force be with you... Over under sideways down Backwards forwards square around Whatever way it's done, It's Jesus who holds the world together, not some force.
  5. RolloTamasi

    COVID reinfection

    I've never had covid. I've never had any shots. Does that make me anti-social?
  6. RolloTamasi

    Earth from the space station, with Christmas narration

    Why do you get so offended? Do you ever think that maybe people get offended by you but choose to keep it to themselves?
  7. RolloTamasi

    The plan to destroy America

    Wow, sounds like the City of Jericho.
  8. RolloTamasi

    COVID reinfection

    Riddle; I'm for everything and I'm against everything. Who's side am I on?
  9. RolloTamasi

    Earth from the space station, with Christmas narration

    Oh man, I'm always getting lost in this place.
  10. RolloTamasi

    The plan to destroy America

    Okay, let's start a Christian Crusade to the "wall".
  11. RolloTamasi

    COVID reinfection

    Oh please. Just because you have a Menorah in your avatar doesn't make you a Jew. Only an immunologist has the right to report on who's complaining about getting shots? Do you know how worldly you sound? It that the best you got? Now all you pro-vaxers, you think we are the problem. What...
  12. RolloTamasi

    COVID reinfection

    You've been called worse??? What could be worse than picky?
  13. RolloTamasi

    COVID reinfection

    I was in the military, I got shots, and I complained. I then became a medic and I was the one giving shots and there were always many complaints. I don't think I'm ranting, I think you have problems dealing with me and the way I answer you.
  14. RolloTamasi

    COVID reinfection

    I had the flu once, I think in 1983.
  15. RolloTamasi

    The Round Earth

    My oh my, you are sensitive, aren't you? Okay, whatever you say.
  16. RolloTamasi

    COVID reinfection

    Now you're getting real picky to prove your point. It's no longer a discussion or debate with you. Now it's an argument. Well I've got better things to do.
  17. RolloTamasi

    COVID reinfection

    I feel sorry for all of you who fear covid. I only fear God.
  18. RolloTamasi

    COVID reinfection

    If you don't understand Christianity, then how can you live it.
  19. RolloTamasi

    The Round Earth

    You don't make sense. A round ball doesn't go topsy turvy, if it did, everything would fall off the bottom. You talk gravity, that goes for flat earthers as well, as the walls hold things in, it doesn't let anything drop off. The fallacy of round earthers is that they can use gravity but a flat...