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    so you think that I should keep trying and keep praying and working on the marriage??? I don't want to give up but right now things are bad
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    Hello all... its been a while since I've been on here.... I just wanted to give an update and also to ask a question as well.....its been a while since I've been in contact with my family.... I figured that we just needed some time away from each other and time away from the situation.. and...
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    Honestly right now I'm at that point...I'm really trying to be patient and trying to be civil and patient with her but majority of the time I'm met with hostility....
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    Can I ask you a question??? Do you know or have you been through this kind of situation before???
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    Thank you so much kaylagrl...I will admit that I have done some wrong things that I am not proud of and I have sone everything I can do conform to the way that god has shown is to live and to be and I have tried to talk to my wife and I have attempted to restore what has been damaged....but...
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    thank you everyone for your helpful advice.... I really Appreciate it very much.... I have been going through this scenario for almost a year... and right now I have understood the ramifications of what has happened and I have prayed and asked god MULTIPLE times for forgiveness... and I know...
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    Not really...I just feel that things have gotten stale and I have talked to her about going to therapy and it never worked out... I'll admit that I had to do some things like borrow money from others and didn't tell her about it till after the fact..but it was for my family and I did apologize...
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    She has issues with me being there for my family...but does it really matter??? What matters is my wife and kids...I know that a man should leave his father and mother and become one with his wife...but if your family needs help...should you not help them???
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    sometimes I just sat there and wondered after almost a year without any attempt of communication that does not involve the children one has to think and wonder... yes we had disagreements and yes we had conflicts but nothing to the point where it got into a physical disagreement......
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    no one was picking on her at all she just decided that we have conflicts and issues and disagreements...
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    good morning.... I was wondering if it is wrong to mad or frustrated about a situation that you have prayed to god about for a while to change or at least to let help you get through the situation and nothing has happened????? I have tried to reconcile my seperated marriage.... she decided to...
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    My marriage failing

    Believe me I understand Completely what you are going through..... May I ask you a question?? If he would have admitted that the cheated on you and was wrong and made the decision of choosing YOU instead of her... what would you have done in that situation??? the reason I was asking is because...
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    Thank you very you still live in clarksville
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    Thank you very much Thank you
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    Thank you very much
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    Marriage separation anxiety

    Thank you very much
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    Struggle with Masturbation

    Your very welcome...if you have any more questions or if there is anything you need help with at all contact me anytime that you like......
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    Thank you very much Thank you very much
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    Thank you very much