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  1. J

    can apostasy and giving up on the faith but later on wanting to return be forgiven ?

    I guess that my first question is can you give up the holy spirit once you have been indwelt and my second question is if you do, but then later on realize that you made a mistake and you want to repent of committing apostasy and giving up the holy spirit and be back in relationship with...
  2. J

    how can I be assured as a Christian that I am born again ?

    from my understanding, being born again is having Jesus's holy spirit come live inside of you and being a new creation in Jesus, but how can I be sure that I am born again ? I am wondering if it happens in an instant moment as soon as you trust Jesus as Savior, or if it is a process, and what...
  3. J

    Are Christian women allowed to teach their sons the scriptures ?

    hello, I have been taught through the scriptures and through pastors that Christian women are not to preach over men, but I was wondering if, in the case of raising children, if they are allowed to teach their sons the scriptures as well as their daughters, or if they should leave it up to their...
  4. J

    Are Christian women allowed to teach their sons the scriptures ?

    hello, I have been taught through the scriptures and through pastors that Christian women are not to preach over men, but I was wondering if, in the case of raising children, if they are allowed to teach their sons the scriptures as well as their daughters, or if they should leave it up to their...
  5. J

    hello everyone :)

    oh and my name is Emily :)
  6. J

    hello everyone :)

    hello, I am a new Christian saved towards the end of April 2021, and I am currently struggling with depression and anxiety, any prayers and advice would be appreciated and welcomed :) I have joined a church and attend a Celebrate Recovery group every week, but I am thinking that I need a...