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  1. JohnBiycs

    The tribulation

    The Lord Christ made Daniel's prophecy part of the 6th seal bowl and trump. Mark 13. Asking Him the signs of His return, and the end of the second age. Its really this simple. Daniels 9th chapter is fast moving this is why it confuses so many. The date of Christs crucifixion is even given in...
  2. JohnBiycs

    problem related to praying in tongues

    The entire thought stems from a misreading of a few passages. Its amazing how many people can be deceived in one form or another on the say so of one man. They gather a following and now its even harder for people unlearned to resist. The old English seems to be a breach whereby you can...
  3. JohnBiycs

    Who is the false prophet and beast?

    The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit. Three distinct labels. The Dragon, the Beast, the False Prophet. Mark 13. Revelation 19:20. The Lord repeats these teachings whereby its impossible to miss. Revelation 12:9. People may say there is no reasons. But peoples reasonings do not apply to...
  4. JohnBiycs

    Who is the false prophet and beast?

    Satan and Satan. They're one in the same when dealing with the symbolic titles they represent. The second beast is Satan's role of false Christ, as Christ teaches so clearly. The false prophet is that self same role. These are stripped from Satan before he himself ever is killed in the lake of...
  5. JohnBiycs

    The Falling Away - pre-trib rapture or ???

    Falling away is certainly not a good thing. It means Apostasy in Greek... If Christians do not even know what this term means, and in the context of the subject, its a bit foreboding given Paul is warning Satan comes first pretending to be God and Jesus. falling away - G646 ἀποστασία...
  6. JohnBiycs

    Growing in the Spirit

    I must say Jesus was not nor became, sin. This is a idea of mans design and musings being sin unto itself. The prerequisite for a sacrifice for sin was to have no sin, no spot nor blemish. Christ was and is perfect. I think people take literally what phrasing The Bible uses, and cannot seem...
  7. JohnBiycs

    Earth Age

    Its a paraphrase. The meaning is the same. The beginning is the keyword here. But I wont debate this further. I study the science enough to know the age of the earth. And scripture enough to know it does not state a number of its age. So we must look at the nature itself. Scientific methods is...
  8. JohnBiycs

    Is There Any Future Resurrection for the Cremated?

    The Bible teaches death initiates resurrection. And its with a new body not the old (1 Corinthians 15 kjv). Paul teaches its instantly at death . Ecclesiastes 12:7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it. 1 Thessalonians 4: 15 For...
  9. JohnBiycs

    Earth Age

    I believe it to be that old. I'm into science and think its a matter of reading the scriptures in context. Since not much is stated on the geology of the earth itself we can go but so far. But there is enough information when rightly divided that directs us were with science to look. Geology...
  10. JohnBiycs

    What does, “But the one who endures to the end will be saved” mean?

    The faith of Christ involves much more than just sitting in a church pew or writings about it in internet forums. When Paul wrote those letters they were under dire straights of life and death struggle. Christ Himself taught take up your cross and follow Him. He didn't say don't do anything...