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  1. H


    Want to post to get thoughts on Romans 13.1-5. It says all authority comes from God and they have been placed there by God. I just want to ask a few things about this and see what gets said. 1. How as believers do we navigate ungodly leadership in society, workplace and government? Especially...
  2. H

    The will of God

    When Jesus said this in Matthew 19 he was addressing a bigger issue. The rich man was asking Jesus what he could do to be perfect. The rich man had a religious spirit and was proud of his following of the law, but Jesus knew the rich mans heart and told him to sell everything he owned. For this...
  3. H

    God Not In Control?

    It does sound weird to say God is not in control, but there is also the likelihood that it is both. He is in control yet allows free will to happen. We can’t quite comprehend that in the same way we can’t really comprehend God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit being fully their own beings and the same...
  4. H

    God Not In Control?

    I think we often can’t tell a difference between God being sovereign and him being in control. God desires a relationship which requires free will, otherwise it’s slavery. Could God take control and do whatever he wants? Yes he can, ex the flood, but he has a greater purpose. Saying God isn’t in...