Search results

  1. Simona1988

    What is the Meaning of This Parable

    Before telling the parable, Jesus Christ was told by some of those present about a horrific event that happened to some Galileans "whose blood Pilate mixed with their sacrifices"; in other words, God allowed that those Galileans die of a violent death during the moment they were offering...
  2. Simona1988

    DEC 25TH: The Start of Christianity or?

    Christianity wasn't chosen as the Roman State religion. In 313 (Edict of Milan), the Roman emperor Constantine the Great acknowledged Christianity and Christians became tolerated. They were no longer persecuted. It is the emperor Theodosius who declares Christianity as the state religion and...
  3. Simona1988

    Resisting Temptation

    After a comment like "eat a banana" I feel stupid to write "eat the Holy Communion"... but I am doing it anyway, assuming that your question and your struggle are serious (just as the struggle of any Christian who wants to take himself seriously and is honest with himself). If salvation...
  4. Simona1988

    Why was marrying brother's wife unlawful?

    Yes, both. And everybody knew, but only Saint John the Baptist had the courage to criticise them openly.
  5. Simona1988

    Why was marrying brother's wife unlawful?

    Herodias was married to Herod II with whom she had a daughter, Salomeea (the girl who danced at Herod Antipas's birthday party). Herodias divorced her husband (he was still alive) and married Herod Antipa, the stepbrother, because he was wealthier and inherited dominion over Judeea (unlike...
  6. Simona1988

    Very telling...

    Matthew 5, 29-30 If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. 30 And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one...
  7. Simona1988

    Alabama Mayor, Pastor Dies by Suicide After Being Involuntarily Outed as Transgender Woman

    There is a saint in the Eastern Orthodox Church who lived a quite, retired life in Phoenicia (he is honored on the 28th of February); his name is Saint Jacob the Hermit. During 15 years he lived in a cave and God gave him the gift of performing miracles (healings) in His name. He was known for...
  8. Simona1988

    Very telling...

    Freedom is a scary gift. If it's irresponsible it leads you inevitably to sin; if you give it up you end up in legalism and formalism (which lead to spiritual death).
  9. Simona1988

    Very telling...

    "All things are lawful for me, but all things are not helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any." 1 Corinthians 6, 12
  10. Simona1988

    How do you study the Bible?

    I read two chapters of the New Testament every night and when I'm done, I start all over again. Yesterday I finished reading Acts. I always find new meanings. As for the Old Testament, I haven't read it entirely yet, I will start after reading an introductory course to the Old Testament (it's...
  11. Simona1988

    What Does It Mean That God Desires All People To Be Saved?

    PennEd, the distance in understanding between you and me is so wide, as ... as the distance between the rich man in hell and Lazarus in Abraham's bossom. The Church does not honor the Theotokos because the Bible says so or because some saints woke up one morning and decided to do so. It is the...
  12. Simona1988

    What Does It Mean That God Desires All People To Be Saved?

    Sure. But only after you show me where did Jesus ask his disciples to write a book about Him. She was a sinner, but she wasn't like you and me... she was chosen by God the Father to bear His Son. We call her mother of God, in order to accentuate and confess the nature of Jesus Christ, who is...
  13. Simona1988

    What Does It Mean That God Desires All People To Be Saved?

    Heresies are in your twisted head.
  14. Simona1988

    What Does It Mean That God Desires All People To Be Saved?

    I honor her, yes. Yesterday, we observed her dormition.
  15. Simona1988

    What Does It Mean That God Desires All People To Be Saved?

    God's actions do not bring death for He IS love, life and light. People's sins bring death to themselves. And sin means separation from God. Death is the absence of life. If you think about Pharaoh and Moses, Pharaoh was already spiritually death (separated from God) Moses was IN God so the...
  16. Simona1988

    Where was Jesus for the three days between his death and resurrection?

    The icon above is called The descent to Hades. Jesus Christ takes Adam and Eve by their wrists and pulls them out of their graves. Below, two angels are binding death (which is personified). There is John the Baptist on the right side of the icon, He has long hair and has a papyrus in his...
  17. Simona1988

    Where was Jesus for the three days between his death and resurrection?

    Hymns of Holy Saturday When he took down Your immaculate Body from the Cross, the honorable Joseph wrapped it in a clean linen shroud with spices and laid it for burial in a new tomb. When You descended unto death, O Lord who yourself are immortal Life, then did You mortify Hades by the...
  18. Simona1988

    Pagan beauty vs Christian beauty

    We welcome everyone too. It's their mental idols we don't welcome. God bless you too! I try to spend less time online.
  19. Simona1988

    Pagan beauty vs Christian beauty

    May God bless your family and give you joy! I think you are right about not being the same people. I leave you with this short video of Jesus entering in Jerusalem. It will make you smile again. :)