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  1. Armoredsaint7

    Where is everyone from?

    I have a question for you. Is it true that China is paying your countries debt to install a military base there?
  2. Armoredsaint7


    We homeschooled or 4 children 4th thru 12th. They're now honor students in college now with p/t jobs. We did digital curriculum. Used HSLDA for legal support. And most of all, spousal support as a team! This is a sacrificial and financial decision that is so much worth it.
  3. Armoredsaint7

    Denomination threads?

    as a ex Catholic for many years, the best way I can explain is, yes they believe in Jesus Christ, but basically have a lot of other baggage they carry for their religion. Catholicism is an appetizer, while a true non denomination relationship with Jesus Christ is a full course meal.
  4. Armoredsaint7

    How to reach those at work

    I'm new to CC, I'm a chaplain at work and having a hard time reaching to those at work who are so into the world. Any suggestions?
  5. Armoredsaint7

    Prodigal son

    Hey brother, as a long time believer, I still struggle with anger issues. I've gotten much better. I've learned thru reading that I can't do this in my own, I need His Spirit to help me. I understand that the enemy won't let up on those the Lord calls His own. Fight the good fight, it's worth it.
  6. Armoredsaint7

    Introducing myself

    Hi I'm also new to this chat. Been a believer since the 90's. Accepted the Lord in '83(but backslid due to lack of). But I'm curious on your response if bring a liberal Christian. Please explain.