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    What are you listening to?

    This beautiful rendition..
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    What would Jesus do if a demon came to him for forgiveness?

    In the Bible, it says that Jesus said that he would not cast aside any that came to him, what if Lucifer therself knelt before Jesus and asked for forgiveness?
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    How to be guaranteed heaven?

    Why would he do this after you repent
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    I don't believe in evolution because at a quantum level this universe is wave form and this reality is holographic. This means all we see was created.
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    Struggling to equate the God of the Old Testament and the God of Jesus

    Hi I am recently born again and I am struggling with the God Yahweh and the teachings of Jesus. The God of the old testament seems unforgiving and wrathful.
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    Support Israel? Yes or No? And Why?

    You don't have to be anti-semantic to disagree with Israeli policies, that's absurd
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    Support Israel? Yes or No? And Why?

    Do you want me to start posting the videos? Look pretty real to me. And God doesn't have any chosen people
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    Support Israel? Yes or No? And Why?

    There has been aggression on both sides. Israel does not have a great record on human rights when it comes to Palestinians. I have seen videos of Israeli snipers shooting children playing on youtube. That would incite most Muslims
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    Support Israel? Yes or No? And Why?

    A ceasefire was offered before this escalated
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    Support Israel? Yes or No? And Why?

    I don't understand Israel, you would have thought the survivors of the holocaust would be empathic towards the Palestinians. Instead they have created hell on earth there. No I don't support Israel's war especially as a cease fire was offered
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    In the beginning something virtual happened

    With science now realigning itself with quantum theory it is fast becoming common knowledge that this reality is not what it seems The science world can not answer the questions of reality so it is to ancient books we turn to for answers, and there we find god The journey to Christ is often...
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    Eating of the fruit in the garden of eden

    I believe God knew after they had eaten the fruit that they had mistrusted God and that evil would enter there thoughts. That's why they were expelled from the Garden of Eden. The fruit was a test of trust.
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    Eating of the fruit in the garden of eden

    Eve's and Adams sin was not eating the fruit in the garden of eden, it was not trusting the word of god. God knew once they had not trusted the word of god that they would fall. Without Gods guidance the world is hell. God knew the seed of mistrust would grow and evil had entered Adam and Eve.
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    Is the human "spirit" the "perception" they hold; God's or Satan's lie (carnal mind)?

    I used to believe good and evil were largely about perception. Not any more, since Jesus showed me the truth I perceive only good and evil. In a grey world the truth helps you decode good vs evil, there are no grey areas really.
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    Why do we call the Father, the Creator ..when the Son should have that title also?

    This makes perfect sense. A higher dimension may be able to influence a lower dimension but physically is almost invisible.
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    Scripture that supports soulless humans before Adam

    When talking to evolutionists I always say this. "Put a male and female cat on a spacecraft for a million years - do you expect to get back a giraffe? The cat may grow bigger or smaller by adapting to its environment but it won't turn into a elephant". There has never been any evidence of...
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    Body Of CHRIST "Does NOT" Go To Heaven?

    "So the last will be first, and the first will be last." Matthew 20:16 To me this says it may be the last saved that are first in the kingdom of God. Also the parable of the vineyard worker shows that reward will not be based on time. Matthew 20: 1–16
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    Christian "catchphrases"

    There for the grace of God go I