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  1. H

    Denominational religion

    We as humans are only one church to God not churches
  2. H

    Denominational religion

    Baptism is total submerging under water, representation of death unto life. Sprinkles mean nothing with so called holy water, been blessed by man not god
  3. H

    Denominational religion

    Why would Jesus or father need a building when humans were created in his glory for service. Remember when praying go into your closet don't stand on the streets for all to see and be a hypocrite. Besides when will the so-called building church, explain to everyone who Melchizedek priesthood is...
  4. H

    Bible study - anyone?

    The denominational church's are man-made doctrine called religion. They don't follow Bible doctrine. Jesus never told Peter to go build vatican's or Temple's. Remember: UPON YOU Peter I build my church. " YOU ARE THE CHURCH, NOT THE BUILDING
  5. H

    Denominational religion

    Why does denominational religion teach the building is the church. When you are actually the church. Jesus stated upon you Peter I build my church, never said go build vatican's or Temple's, yes meeting places to discuss the glory of the Heavenly Father and Son.