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  1. Matthew7x3

    The Tragic love story

    🙂 amen 🙏🏽
  2. Matthew7x3

    Live the life GOD wants for you, not the life you want for you. #JESUSisLORD

    Live the life GOD wants for you, not the life you want for you. #JESUSisLORD
  3. Matthew7x3

    The Tragic love story

    The tragic love story: Dear love, I called you everyday...yet you didn’t care... I left you messages all day... yet you didn’t care... I only thought about good intentions for you... yet you didn’t care... I would have fought the whole world for you... yet you didn’t care... my heart craved...
  4. Matthew7x3

    31 and still single/ unmarried

    Hey brother! I know it’s hard, I know that same feeling of desiring an companion, but GOD does everything for our good, HE knows your needs and desires. Keep in good faith that the LORD is in control and continue To grow in HIM, when we put HIM first, the word says all else comes 🙏🏽👍🏽 I will...
  5. Matthew7x3

    Yoga is Dangerous to Christianity

    And I agree with you! That makes so much sense
  6. Matthew7x3

    Yoga is Dangerous to Christianity

    Wow it’s so crazy the evil in this world and how many people are oblivious to the things they do or are even worshipping without there knowledge. GOD bless you for sharing that knowledge 👍🏽👍🏽
  7. Matthew7x3

    It’s Time to do Your Job as a Christian.

    Thank you brother in CHRIST! I appreciate your response! It’s awesome to hear different ways to share the gospel and definitely gives me more ideas! Peace be with you too through the grace of the father :)
  8. Matthew7x3

    wishing for death

    Hey there!, the name is matthew! Please don’t feel that way cause all life here is for a huge purpose, we are here and created to bring glory to the LORD and light to the world with our relationship with the almighty :) I know it’s hard! Trust me I get those blues at times myself! Especially...
  9. Matthew7x3

    Seeking wisdom about dating someone who struggles with porn

    Heyy, my name is Matthew, I too used to suffer with the same addictions and similar story. I must say you do sounds like you have a good head over your shoulders through GODS wisdom. What I would remind is that we aren’t fighting flesh and blood, but the principalities and rulers of this dark...
  10. Matthew7x3

    It’s Time to do Your Job as a Christian.

    Amen! I definitely agree! How might you suggest sharing? Do you boldly go up to individuals and talk to them about the almighty father?
  11. Matthew7x3

    Yoga is Dangerous to Christianity

    Amen! I definitely agree! Do you think the many gods In Hindu are like the fallen angels or also like the Greek gods Like: Zeus and Poseidon etc
  12. Matthew7x3

    Hello body of CHRIST! I’m new here and excited to have some fellowship about our father in...

    Hello body of CHRIST! I’m new here and excited to have some fellowship about our father in Heaven! 🙂🙂 Yahweh is so good to me! HE woke me up this morning and reminded me that HE chose and already knew HIS children from the beginning before the earth was even formed! How amazing is that!