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  1. M

    To recover from cycle of depression and for health of my family and loved ones, I pray.

    I've had some challenging months, feeling weak and worried and unemployed for almost 3 months. May I not only find work soon but have the strength and motivation to hold on to it, do a good job and meet good people in the process. May I get stronger and find joy in life again and confidence...
  2. M

    Homeless, alone, intense attacks & trial

    May you find comfort in prayer and sooner than later be able to park your car and sleep in a safe apartment or move in with a good person who can spare a room. May your injury heal and may you be able to find the motivation to work again, even if part time at first, to meet positive people, to...
  3. M

    My Dad has died..

    So sorry to read that ... few thigns are more sad than loosing a dad or mom or close family member. No matter our age. May God BLESS your father, pardon his shortcomings and receive his soul and bring him peace. May you find comfort and peace in prayer and in rememberign as you mourn his...
  4. M

    Dad ❤️

    May your dad heal and recover soon and be able to value life and his family! And may the doctors continue to heal other patients and have health and peace themselves! Thank you Lord for keeping us safe and healthy despite our weaknesses and struggles and fears. May we continue to have faith and...
  5. M

    Please pray for me… if you can.

    Ysabel, May you find a job you like and with good coworkers that will not only give you income but also friendships! May you soner than later be able to minimize anxiety and be able to enjoy your work and the new challenges! I've also been in similar situations but with effort and positve...
  6. M

    So some bad news today

    Almost nothing prepares us for sudden bad health news , no matter the age. Like you say, may your sister not suffer, above all, and may God's will be done ... hopefully a recovery and however it may evolve, minimizing suffering and sadness to her and your family. May we find comfort in our...
  7. M

    I want to pray for my uncle John and his health

    I want to pray for my uncle John who is almost 90 and fell recently and now will need to live in assisted living. May he find good people there to become friends with, good care and peace , specially mental clarity and serenity. Thank you God for having given him such a long life and may he...
  8. M

    Please pray for me I want to end my life

    May you find the strenght and serenity to move somewhere where you can function, be safe and focus on work, your health and meeting positive people. If your dad can at least for now offer that positive environment, by all means do that and with distance, pray that your brother may change his...
  9. M

    Prayer for Faith....

    Let's pray for strength and guidance when we go through our crisis in faith at times when we seem to most need faith and prayer and reassurance that we are not alone. I myself also feel that way often and is probably a reason I'm struggling with depression.
  10. M

    Prayer for my dad

    May your dad find comfort in his prayer while he recovers. May we also ask for strength as our family members age and may we not suffer as our bodies become weaker. And may we overcome sadness when our loved ones and ourselves go through physical and mental aches, so we may be of help and live...
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  12. M

    i need prayers for recovery and strength and not despairing

    I am Christian but even struggle with times of doubt , seeing other fellow Christians battle with addictions , bad habits, some trying to get better but needing help I can no longer give. I myself am weak, medical bills, 3 months off work, scared. I will probably be asked to move to the garage...
  13. M

    Desperate prayer request

    Pray for strength, to change habits, to repent. We are all human and have weakneses ... I pray we all try harder to stay healthy , mentally and physically, to face the challenges and fears and economic difficulties and times of loneliness and recovery. Amen.