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  1. K

    Why are Christians such phonies?

    Instead of looking for a Church that "fits me" or a Church "where I feel comfortable" shouldn't we be looking for the only Church that Jesus Christ said He built 2,000 years ago? There are hundreds of Protestant Churches filled with good people. Protestant Church even existed until...
  2. K

    Three Gods or one? Explain the Trinity.

    How Can God, whose abilities and understandings are as far above yours as the heavens are above the earth, be God the Father and God the Son and God the Holy Spirit? Matthew 19:26 "With God all things are possible."
  3. K

    Critique On Why Catholics Are Hated

    So pal....I challenged you to prove that the Catholic Church worships Mary by providing us with so much as ONE official doctrine of the Church that says Catholics are to worship Mary, could not! You now know that the Catholic Church does NOT teach that Catholics are to worship Mary. So...
  4. K

    Justified by work vs faith

    Martin Luther added the word 'alone' to the Bible to force it to..say.."We are saved by Faith ALONE." But, Inspired by the Holy Spirit, James said in God's holy Word the Bible.."Don't you know, foolish man, that faith without works is dead?" (James 2:20) Maybe THAT is why Luther called...
  5. K

    Three Gods or one? Explain the Trinity.

    Yes. The One God within 3 Divine Persons wants all Christians to "be of ONE mind, thinking alike." you have any ideas on how to end the many divisions between Catholic and Protestant..Protestant and Protestant? Beginning with the Reformation we had hundreds of new Denominations not...
  6. K

    Critique On Why Catholics Are Hated

    Well if there is no divinely appointed Magesterium populated by successors to the Apostles then we have no authority to tell us whose bible interpretations are correct and whose bible interpretations are incorrect! All we have is private interpretation all the Protestant Churches have...
  7. K

    Critique On Why Catholics Are Hated

    I don't have to go any further than your first accusation against the first Christian Church to prove that your knowledge of Catholicism comes only from non Catholics..and not the Catholic Church! Catholics DO NOT worship Mary. If we do I challenge to show us any official doctrine of the...
  8. K

    Three Gods or one? Explain the Trinity.

    No. One God in three PERSONS not three attributes. You do not refer to yourself and to your attributes as "WE." Neither does God! God always refers to God the Father, and God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit as.. "we." In John's baptism they saw God the Son.. they saw God the Holy Spirit..and...
  9. K

    Critique On Why Catholics Are Hated

    Sure there were and are Apostolic successors to the Apostles. The Bible says that Judas died. The Apostles got together to decide what to do about that. Their Christ appointed leader, Peter, rose and said, "His office let another take." So the Apostles.."put forward two, Bar-Sa'bas and Mat-thias...
  10. K

    Critique On Why Catholics Are Hated

    I agree with and enjoyed most of your post except for.. the part where you assume that the oldest Church, which Jesus promised the gates of Hell would not prevail against, has "false doctrine." It has been my experience that those who assume that have only been instructed in Catholicism by..non...
  11. K

    Critique On Why Catholics Are Hated

    The APOSTLE Paul said.."Hold fast to the TRADITIONS that you have received from us either by letter OR by word of ours." (2 Thess.2:15) So it is APOSTOLIC Tradition that Catholics hold fast to. Not the traditions of men like Luther.. Calvin.. Wesley.. Smith.. Darby..
  12. K

    Critique On Why Catholics Are Hated

    Amen. The Bible nowhere explicitly says that infants can be baptized. And the Bible also nowhere explicitly says that only adults can be baptized. The Bible does mention that., "..he was baptized at once with all his family." (Acts 16:33) Sounds like the biblical weight weight comes down on the...
  13. K

    Critique On Why Catholics Are Hated

    Jesus is God. So since JESUS built the first edition, the first Church, 2,000 years ago as Matt.16:17-9 says He did then..the FIRST edition is the best edition! The later editions were built by men like Luther.. Calvin.. Wesley.. Smith.. Darby... So these are.. the traditions of men.
  14. K

    Critique On Why Catholics Are Hated

    I am not trying to be mean. But maybe you should see the RCC, the original Church built by Jesus Christ 2,000 years ago (Matt.16:17-19) as the Bible sees it. Jesus is the Head and we are the body of the Church. (Col.1:18) It is not either/or..either Jesus or His Church! Jesus loved and died for...
  15. K

    Critique On Why Catholics Are Hated

    Well..You said that dying Catholics die in misery basically because they belong to the Catholic Church and so they don't really know Christ or the bible. But..that was your mistake regarding them. All the Catholics I knew who died knew that they were going home to Christ. That, as that Catholic...
  16. K

    Critique On Why Catholics Are Hated

    Problem! How is the Catholic religion false when it is the ONLY Church that can trace itself back, Bishop by Bishop, for 2,000 years, to Jesus Christ as it's personal founder? History shows that No Protestant Church would even exist for the next 15..CENTURIES! Maybe thousands of differing...
  17. K

    Critique On Why Catholics Are Hated

    Your judgement of what is in the mind of all Catholics..makes my point. Instead of judging Catholicism by what you were taught by. non Catholics and anti-Catholics..why don't you go to an actual Catholic Church to learn actual Catholicism? You will be glad you did. I was raised to believe all...
  18. K

    Three Gods or one? Explain the Trinity.

    And He is one with the Father and the Holy Spirit..mentioned many times in the REST of the Bible. .- Jn.14:23 & Jn.17:3 & Jn.14:26 & Jn.6:44 & Rom.8:14 & Acts 2:3-4 & Mt.3:16-17
  19. K

    Critique On Why Catholics Are Hated

    To BELIEVE Christ alone is all that is necessary! And 2,000 years ago Christ said to Simon..""You are Peter and upon this rock I will build MY Church." (Matt.16:17-19) So Christ built ONE Christian Church, not thousands of disagreeing churches, 2,000 years ago. How old is your Church? The One...