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  1. M

    Was Judas Iscariot saved?

    Judas Iscariot maybe the most despised person in human history. Did the New Testament writers have such a disdain for him that they always listed him last when naming the disciples? In many of the early century writings about Judas, shows a very high level of contempt for him. Church leaders...
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    Who killed Goliath?

    It may depend on what bible we are reading from, because remember, the Philistines did not flee until they were sure Goliath was dead. This did not happen until David got the sword and cut-off Goliath's head.
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    Who killed Goliath?

    One of the most popular stories in the Old Testament is that of David and Goliath. The story teaches courage, faith, and overcoming impossible challenges. We read about two nations at war in that of the people of Israel and the Philistines. Both armies would decide on a champion to fight for...
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    What would Jesus say to Michael Jordan?

    Anyone who is alive today knows who Michael Jordan is. He is globally known as the greatest basketball player to have ever played. His drive and competitiveness has never been matched nor will it ever be. He attained records, achievements, championships, and rewards and adulation in an...
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    What was the Transfiguration?

    I can't explain why Jesus called it a "vision". But I still lean more to the event being literal, meaning they were actually there. 2 Peter 1:17 says, "there came such a voice", meaning they actually heard God. Also in verse 18 Peter said they "heard" the voice of God in the event. There are...
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    What was the Transfiguration?

    Soon after Jesus tells His disciples that He would suffer, be killed, and would raise to life, He took Peter, James, and John up a mountain to pray. While there Jesus' appearance was changed to a glorified form. Moses and Elijah also appeared to them. The "inner circle" of Peter, James, and...
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    A closer look at God and Job

    The book of Job and his interactions with God is something that all Christians can learn from and cherish as we go through life with certain trials and sufferings. The author of the book is uncertain, though most speculate it was Job. At least for most of the book. Scholars believe that Moses...
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    The "Strait Gate" Explained

    The Bible verse of the "strait gate" can be a bit confusing and not easily understood to both the mature Christian and the young Christian who is new to the Faith. Like this particular passage, there are many passages throughout the Bible that need to be studied more closely, meditated upon...
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    A closer look at the crucifixion of Jesus

    It seems today that Christians have grown callous to the horror of Jesus' crucifixion. Have Christians taken for granted the physical and emotional pain that Jesus endured for us that great day? For anyone to even begin to understand the torture our Lord took upon Himself, we have to examine...
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    Was Simon the Sorcerer saved?

    Many believe that Simon the Sorcerer was actually a believer, others say he was not, and still others say he was saved but then lost his salvation. If we interpret scripture correctly, one CANNOT lose their salvation. The book of Ephesians teaches that once someone accepts and believes in the...
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    Can a Christian lose salvation?

    But that is my point. Jesus said that their will be many people that will make that claim. What did Jesus say to them? He said, "depart from me, I never knew you."
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    Can a Christian lose salvation?

    Many church leaders believe that they were saved. They were sinners like every Christian. Ananias and Sapphira were not being obedient Christians and willfully sinning. Sometimes God's discipline on His children requires death.
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    Can a Christian lose salvation?

    If Matt Dillahunty became an atheist, couldn't we say he was never truly saved to begin with?
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    Can a Christian lose salvation?

    1 John 2:19 says, "They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us." According to this passage, people who profess to know Jesus but later...
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    That time Paul rebukes Peter

    Galatians chapter 2 reveals something interesting that happened between Paul and Peter. The scripture says that Paul "opposed him to his face." Paul was preaching at a church in Antioch along with Barnabas and a few others. Peter had come to visit them and had stayed a few days. It was...
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    Saved from the fiery furnace

    This story is from the book of Daniel. The king of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, condemns three Jewish men to be burned alive by throwing them into a fiery furnace. Nebuchadnezzar had ordered a golden statue to be constructed and that the people were to "fall down and worship the golden image."...
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    A Godly marriage between A man and A woman

    A marriage between a Christian man and a Christian woman is most solemn. When contemplating marriage in a relationship, a Christian should earnestly seek out what the Bible says concerning the joining of man and woman as "one flesh". This covenant is serious and is not meant to be broken by...
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    "Wages of sin is death"

    So brother, lets agree to be thankful we don't have to worry about being utterly destroyed or tormented
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    "Wages of sin is death"

    So the disagreement is in the definition of the penalty for rejecting Christ? Destroyed vs existing, but tormented forever?
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    "Wages of sin is death"

    The penalty for sin is death. For the believer, death can be the natural consequence of sin or by God's hand. For the unbeliever who rejects Christ, their death will be forever in torment portrayed in the lake of fire.