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  1. living_in_grace

    Nothing but questions.

    is it that time of the year already?
  2. living_in_grace

    Nothing but questions.

    what was the original question?
  3. living_in_grace

    Bible Study (Room)

    I've heard from.the more.recent newcomers how disappointed they are when coming into the Bible Study room. how they see and feel so many times someone is being mocked or targeted when someone shares something especially by those who dont agree. I have seen what they are referring to. at this...
  4. living_in_grace

    If You Were Married...

    if/when I get married again, I will marry a Christian man this time. I want a man who will be the best father he can be, who will guide his household the way Christ wants Him to. Someone who strives to be christ-like and will love me by words and actions, as well as the children
  5. living_in_grace

    One last blow

    ro add to this pay in checks, not cash so you have a paper trail to prove what you paid her and what she received rather than your word against hers. if you pay in cash, you can't prove it and she can deny getting it.
  6. living_in_grace

    One last blow

    Going thru something Similar. it's hard to redirect my children from speaking ill of him when they are speaking of their memories of what they have experienced with their dad. counseling doesnt seem to help. I try my best to not speak bad of him in front of the children.
  7. living_in_grace


    Thankyou! Nice to meet you! God bless your household as well!
  8. living_in_grace

    Hello big teeth here... thankyou looking forward to meeting me people 😁
  9. living_in_grace


    I've been on the Cc for a little over a month now! met alot of good people! I'm new here in the forums. getting a feel of this. much different than hearing others in the rooms! :)
  10. living_in_grace

    Greetings from MINNESOTA

    Welcome and hope you enjoy CC!
  11. living_in_grace

    Anyone not going to church because of Corono virus?

    my church has closed in the meantime as a preventive of the coronovirus