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  1. Blade

    Growing Old Successfully....J.R. Miller

    SW only read the bible.. not even a newspaper. He would be walking with someone and ask to stop to just worship the lord and just start crying. Just reminded me about "No Book is Really Worth Reading" J R Miller
  2. Blade

    Presence of the anti Christ - Found odd changes to the Holy Bible in NLT and other recent versions by the interpreters

    "Presence of the anti Christ" every just write them, call, email, stop by maybe and ask why? AntiChrist.. talking about something that rejects the Gods of its fathers and women and says it is god. Anti meaning opposite or against. Every thing God is it is not. Just thinking.. I don't know about...
  3. Blade

    The Holy Spirit and Fire

    shittim.. You know I once replied to a man of God not to long ago and I thought I was agreeing with him. He came back said it was his channel and he can say and do what ever he wants and told me my post was mumble jumble incoherent. Again.. I thought I was agreeing with him. I at 63 for over...
  4. Blade

    2 Timothy 3-5 - Thoughts?

    Hmm no offense but I got lost reading the post... could be me :) As for the OP yeah sounds like were reading whats going on today. God told us if you want to know the future look at the past. Yet something wonderful is going to happen.. we all know we all believe He is coming amen. Is there...
  5. Blade

    When do people truly repent of their sins, before or after truly believing in Jesus?

    You have problem here. Well we all have many times willfully sinned oops. Sorry every sin we have done was not just being tempted. See pffft sorry.. this is the stuff that's milk..we should have moved on by now. So I hear the truth I know Jesus Christ died for my sins yet I reject it and now...
  6. Blade

    What earth quacks, thunder and lightning actually are taking place

    "What earth quacks, thunder and lightning actually are taking place" Then you quote some verses when Christ rose from the grave. We have seen today what has not been happening before is "all" of those birth pains happening at once yet I don't think this is what your talking about. As for...
  7. Blade

    The Rapture Event

    Thanks mate.. awesome. For me when I read Matt-John there was no Chruch no Christians. It was Jewish people that asked. It was people still living under by the law. What Paul was shown by Christ was still hidden. Its not God/Christ/Sweet holy Spirit telling us its only Post tribulation or mid...
  8. Blade

    Are the elect of God created or are the elect of God discovered?

    What does Rev say about those who will worship the beast? "All the inhabitants of the earth will fall down and worship him, everyone whose name has not been written since the foundation of the world in the Book of Life of the Lamb who has been slain [as a willing sacrifice]. " Yet we all get a...
  9. Blade

    Matthew 24:40 Is the rapture secret?

    Thannks :) a rapture for who? No Church no Christians. At one time they asked Him “Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel? The Father alone has the authority to set those dates and times, and they are not for you to know. " When He comes for His Church it is us that see Him...
  10. Blade

    He's Still Here

  11. Blade

    Difference between Baptized with the Holy Ghost and being FILLED with the Holy Ghost vs

    OP you didn't backup what you said with scripture which in this case is really needed. Luke 11 13 is simple. Not sure why some will read John 3:16-17 and will do that confess Christ as lord (PRAISE GOD) yet will read Luke 11:13 and not do that. God said it. We know we can be saved yet not...
  12. Blade

    Asking for help

    Faith.. God told Sarah as she laughed at GOD He said "what is to hard for the lord?". My best friend years ago came over to show me something that does infact effect everyone but I told him.. it will not work on me. You just know when the lord is moving.. it was to help his faith. haha man no...
  13. Blade

    God had given us a commandment the Tithes & Offerings. How people today followed the commandment?

    Its not my business to know who is and who is not giving. Now if its my Church I can ask I can share I can preach.. but as its written we do not answer to man :) Then He will never ever make one feel guilty or shame or condemned if they do not.... the enemy will and some Christians will.. but He...
  14. Blade

    Do you believe I will never be of God's elect if I don't worship your view of God?

    Well for me I know because its written John 3:16/Rom 10:9-10. Christ came in the flesh died on the cross for the worlds sin was buried rose the 3rd day is seated at the right hand of the Father the only way to the Father. There is no other way in. This is written it is not my view. For those...
  15. Blade

    Is Elon Musk the forerunner for the Antichrist?

    We have been told how we are to think how we are to talk. What are the fruits of the spirit? Then first Cor 13. Something that is speculation, doubt, confusion, fear so forth so on is never of God. The simple fact all this is looking on the outside in not knowing the heart. Based on some video...
  16. Blade


    Well we are not like those that came before us huh. Well say we know Peter's in jail and we hear a knock on the door "its just Peters angel". This was all after Christ rose form the grave ... yes shouting time! They, angels are sent out continually to server human beings who are destined to...
  17. Blade

    Christians need to continue to repent of their sins

    "Christians need to continue to repent of their sins" Whos saying this? Yeah it mattes since we only answer to Him we do not answer to man. What matters in all this is are 'you" doing what you preach. "So, this must refer to eternal (spiritual) death." Nope that is not the only other choice...
  18. Blade

    God is Love

    Satan can not love.. for love is of God. " by hating His enemy Esau. " In Hebrew words can and do have more then one meaning. God preferred blah blah blah. God didn't hate Esau. Like one said unloved is used instead of hate in scripture. . God loved both Esau and Jacob, but He chose to give...