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  1. icequeen

    Can we be friends with Latter Day Saints or Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Thank you. I will be a friend with her for sure, but I will not comment or engage when she comes with links to the JW site or try to invite me to meetings or events. That worked with my Mormon friend, but we grew apart eventually.
  2. icequeen

    Can we be friends with Latter Day Saints or Jehovah's Witnesses?

    It seems that this site has not been affected. We could make this into a conspiracy thread where the JW's is behind everything, but it is better to not go there. An update on this topic: Yesterday I got at message from her with links to JWs official website on the topic of salvation. I haven't...
  3. icequeen

    Can we be friends with Latter Day Saints or Jehovah's Witnesses?

    No marriage in question on my behalf...
  4. icequeen

    Can we be friends with Latter Day Saints or Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Love thy enemy comes to mind...
  5. icequeen

    Can we be friends with Latter Day Saints or Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Thank you all for food for thought. I will continue to pray and be genuine but alert. I can work with her professionally regardless of our differences, but we have already bonded. Might be God has a plan for this, otherwise I will shake the dust off my sandals and walk on (or roll in ny case)
  6. icequeen

    Can we be friends with Latter Day Saints or Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Non-believers are easier than believers that have a doctrine that totally crashes in the view of salvation etc.
  7. icequeen

    Can we be friends with Latter Day Saints or Jehovah's Witnesses?

    That is my experience so far as well. But let's see. I will continue to pray for her and also protect myself.
  8. icequeen

    Can we be friends with Latter Day Saints or Jehovah's Witnesses?

    I have no problems with atheists. Somehow that doesn't crash spiritually. You can handle that intellectually, and you can't force anyone to believe.
  9. icequeen

    Can we be friends with Latter Day Saints or Jehovah's Witnesses?

    Earlier I had a friend that was a Mormon. We had things in common, and a friendship was natural, but it came to a point when it seemed to be a spiritual battle and we drifted apart. She initiated to do Bible studies together, but I felt that to be an attempt to recruit me more than an honest...
  10. icequeen

    These strategies of the enemy could also be used against Christian forums

    Thumbs and short breath... I stand corrected.
  11. icequeen

    These strategies of the enemy could also be used against Christian forums

    It should be devide, not decide...
  12. icequeen

    These strategies of the enemy could also be used against Christian forums

    Satan can decide and conquer, but his strategies are as old as the fall. Of course the enemy has tried to do that on CC. But if we are searching for that and lose sight of Christ, he has partly succeeded. This thread could it self be used by the enemy to spread doubt and confusion.
  13. icequeen

    The WHO Has Announced that Bird Flu "Vax" Will Be Ready In Case Of H5N1 Plandemic

    The Finns (I have lived there for a decade) are efficient and forward thinking. I don't think this is the mark of the beast. I know many sound believers in Finland that wouldn't reserve themselves from the vaccine if it is mandatory and based on science, but I don't either believe that people...
  14. icequeen

    Would you ever eat...?

    Lutefisk is dried cod. Rakfisk is fermented. Totally another League.
  15. icequeen

    Would you ever eat...?

    I lost my appetite for good!!!! Rats????? I'd rather eat fermented (also known as rotten) trout. Would you eat that?
  16. icequeen

    Questions That Need Answers

    Bagel-holes=rolls???? And it would be so cool being a rabbit, bouncing around. As for the grass eating I would give it a pass, but I wonder how even grass must be awesome in Heaven. As for Brits... Remember that very few spoke Oxford English. There are multiple accents on the British Isles, and...
  17. icequeen

    Questions That Need Answers

    Baking bacon works well. I bake them in my airfryer. :-) Cookies could perhaps be cooked in a Dutch oven?
  18. icequeen

    Questions That Need Answers

    You cook bacon on a cooker and bake cookies in an oven. That one was easy! Efficient comes from Latin, but where as English has preserved the double f, Spanish and Portuguese haven't. Does that mean they are more efficient? As for drive- and parkway. I have no clue. And the song is also not...
  19. icequeen

    The Singles Forum Goes to a Tea Party! (Come Join Us for a Spot O'Tea!)

    I had a teaparty at my 50 years anniversary. It was a great success. Wonderful scones, and a good tea menu. I will take you there, who ever will come to visit :-)
  20. icequeen

    Do Our Hobbies Contribute to Over Consumption and Excess Waste? (And If So, What Can We Do About It?)

    KNITTING. And loads of yarn. I could have my own sheep, reducing the carbon footprint. And using the old spinning wheel handed down through generations. But there are so much yarn that I just need.... Need... It is an addiction. But the feeling of the texture. The combination of colors. In a...