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  1. Ric2019

    New Chat App for Windows 10 is not installing?

    I attempted to install ChristianChat-3.9.0-Setup.exe for Windows 10 and got the following install error. "Sorry, an error has occurred. The application cannot be installed due to a certificate problem. The certificate does not match the installed application certificate, does not support...
  2. Ric2019

    Got the Small Group Bible Study blues? Do you miss praying and supporting one another in the small group environment?

    The writer of Hebrews said we are "not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together." Until we can safely gather together for small group Bible studies, what can we do to engage in small groups in the interim? I came up with a small list of examples. Please feel free to add your own. 1...
  3. Ric2019

    How to Apply God's Word

    It is challenging to find personal applications from some passages of the Bible. While the application of many verses is clear, how does one make a personal application of "so and so was the son of so and so"? In an internet article, Pastor Rick Warren suggested a set of questions every...
  4. Ric2019


    THE faith is all truth that God has graciously revealed about us and Himself through His Word (The Bible). My faith is the experience of a daily relationship of gratitude, personal submission and dependence on God. Living a righteous life involves the continuous process of connecting my faith...
  5. Ric2019

    "My Faith" or God's Efficacy

    Christian churches and culture seem to have their own evolving "pop culture language" to describe Christian experience. Some of those words we used to describe the spiritual change in the life of the believer seem to have fallen from the vocabulary of many contemporary Christians. Words, such...
  6. Ric2019

    The Names of God in the Bible

    The Names of God Hebrew Names for God Elohim (the strong Creator God)—Gen. 1:1-2 El Elyon (God most high)—Gen. 14:18: Ps. 78:56: Dan. 3:26 Adonai Jehovah (Lord God)—Deut. 3:24 El Shaddai (God Almighty)—Gen. 17:1; Ezek. 10:5 El Roi (God who sees)—Gen. 16:13 El Bethel (God of the house of...
  7. Ric2019

    An Observation on 2 Corinthians 5:17

    JamOn, Thanks for the comment. Since we have never met, I hope that I am not sharing information that you already looked into. If I am, I apologize in advance. I looked at 2 Corinthians 5:19 in "The New Greek-English Interlinear New Testament" by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. The Greek New...
  8. Ric2019

    An Observation on 2 Corinthians 5:17

    While reading through today's small group lesson, a passage caught my attention. It was 2 Corinthians 5:17. I have read this passage many times, but two NT Greek Verbs caught my attention. One Greek verb (transliterated - parerchomai) is translated into English as "passed away" refering to...
  9. Ric2019

    Homiletics and Current Events

    Recently, there was a conference in our city for pastors on "preaching more effectivley." One of the pastors attending this conference posted a disagreement he had with the instructor. It was on the point that it is helpful to incorporate current events into Sunday morning message. The...
  10. Ric2019

    Speaking Truth in a Culture of Unbelievers

    Our eternal relationship with God is Not based on our ability to cease sinning.. It is based on our Believing God and trusting in the Atonement Jesus secured on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins.. The only thing that can break our bond with the LORD is disbelieving Him and no longer...
  11. Ric2019

    Speaking Truth in a Culture of Unbelievers

    In recent sermons and and small group Bible studies I have repeatedly heard the theme of how we are a "broken" people. It is true. I don't dispute it. But I don't think that describing our condition as "broken" adequately conveys the seriousness of sin. For example, if we asked a group of...
  12. Ric2019

    What does the Bible teach about Satan?

    Satan is: - An adversary (1 Peter 5:8; 1 Tim. 5:14) - An accuser of the brethren (Rev. 12:10) - An enemy (Matthew 13:39; Luke 10:19) - A tempter (Matthew 4:3; 1 Thes. 3:5) - A thief (John 10:10) - A wicked one (Matthew 13:19; 1 John 5:18) Satan is described as being or being like a: -...
  13. Ric2019

    What heaven is referred to in Revelation 12:7?

    The Apostle Paul refers to 3 heavens in one of his visions. 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 (NASB) I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago—whether in the body I do not know, or out of the body I do not know, God knows—such a man was caught up to the third heaven. And I know how such a man—whether...
  14. Ric2019

    What is the best English Bible translation for me?

    Ideally, if we all could learn the original languages, we could read a version of the Bible based on these languages. Realistically, except for those trained in these languages, our choices are limited to English translations. A translation refers to the process of expressing the meaning of a...
  15. Ric2019

    How Long Was Jesus in the Tomb

    Was Jesus in the tomb for 3 days and 3 nights? Then why does Scripture record his burial on Friday about 3 P.M. and his resurrection on Sunday morning around 6 A.M.? I did a careful read of the Bible and looked at several explanations. The one that made most sense to me was by one of my...
  16. Ric2019

    Biblical Interpretation

    >> was it not that a group of ROMAN CATHOLIC prelates who decided what the christian bible should look like Not really so. From a well researched view on where we got our Bible, check out:
  17. Ric2019

    Biblical Interpretation

    There is a lot to be unbundled in your question. First of all, let's talk about translations. A translation is a formal process of translating words or text from one language into another. When applied to the Bible, some translations are literal and some are loose. But without English...
  18. Ric2019

    Biblical Interpretation

    Thanks for your response! In my opinion, I think confusion reigns when Christians don't distinguish between interpretation and application. Many seem to want to skip or avoid interpretation and go directly to application disregarding what a passage is saying in context. It is that contextual...
  19. Ric2019

    Biblical Interpretation

    Thanks for the response. Actually, I initially learned the Bible with an "over-reliance" on others' teaching of what scripture said. It was not until I came to a point in my life to be totally transparent before God that I began to really understand the Bible and let the Bible speak for...
  20. Ric2019

    Biblical Interpretation

    I have been reading the Bible cover-to-cover using many English translations for over 30 years. It amazes me when I talk to others who read the very same words of scripture and interpret the scriptures in so many inconsistent ways. Ways that I am sure the divinely inspired human authors never...