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  1. K


    they Tried but they didn’t succeed, thankfully. I just felt really scared lost and sad . I hade anxiety, I tried everything thing . At one point I just got drawn towards bible , i started reading it and I started my first prayers . To say I let him in my life that I had problems. And they...
  2. K


    it so bad i feel pain and cry alot, any advice on how to help me? im so scared all the time , i can not sleep . any advice that helps would be great .
  3. K


    Kamitis is just my nick name , it means hamster . my real name is Karlis. and i do, i am reading bible from end to end , and learning everything .
  4. K


    so as you may know Latvia was one of the last baltic states to drop paganism and join christianity , so our religious history dosnet go back that far. But it doesnet mean that we dont have churches , we do. And the biggest aka the center of religion is church called , Aglonas bazilika, Pope John...
  5. K


    when I’m free , I’m Can tell more about Latvia and our churches if you want to .
  6. K


    I had my spiritual awakening , and I’m just wanted some to talk to about that