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  1. C

    Disabilities and Jesus Christ

    Amen. I'm disabled. God has been so good to me. He has used it in my life to bring me closer to Him.
  2. C

    the not kissing before marriage game

    It seems like it might work for some, but I don't think it would for me. My love language is Physical Touch through and through! :-) If I don't get some hugs and cuddles (and kisses too) I'm going to have a hard time being confident in our relationship. I'm very tactile with my friends and...
  3. C

    New to Christian Chat

    Hello! My name is Clair. I'm not quite sure how I wound up on this site, but am thankful for it. No reason to pass up a chance for fellowship. I hoping to make some Christian friends around my age (19F). I go to a good church and have some friends there, but it can be hard to keep it touch. I...