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  1. Genipher

    can you guys post something funny please?

    When we lived on Feral Cat Street the cats were a protected "pest". City said we could be arrested or fined if we killed them. 😒
  2. Genipher

    can you guys post something funny please?

    Used to watch it all the time as a teen. 🫣
  3. Genipher

    can you guys post something funny please?

    Pretty sure I've "heard" some complaints about stray dogs getting eaten, too.
  4. Genipher

    can you guys post something funny please?

    We used to live on a street with feral cats. Ruined my garden. Would poop in front of our front door out of spite. Our street reeked of cat pee. Definitely wouldn't have minded if they fed a family or 10.
  5. Genipher

    can you guys post something funny please?

    Saw this from a clip of Michael Knowles show: Heaven has immigration laws Hell has open borders
  6. Genipher

    can you guys post something funny please?

    I've kinda thought the same. As long as it's not anyone's pet, why not eat cats or dogs or horses? Meat is meat.
  7. Genipher

    Future President Harris: Executor-In-Chief??

    I found it laughable.... hypocritical... that Harris said the country deserves a president who doesn't divide the nation (insinuating herself) when about a month ago she called gun owners (half the country) "extremists".
  8. Genipher

    The Covid CANCER Shot!

    I highly doubt the elite actually got the shot. Instead, it was probably some kind of placebo. Unlike many others here, I don't think Trump is gonna be the win we all hope for. The Powers-That-Be are gonna implement what they want no matter who is "in charge" of the USA. And Trump will go along...
  9. Genipher

    The Covid CANCER Shot!

    If he knew it was bad then what was up with Operation Warp Speed?
  10. Genipher

    can you guys post something funny please?

    Reminds me of this video where a guy wore a Trump shirt on the Harris side of the street and a Harris shirt on the Trump side of the street. Guess which side was rude and which was nice?
  11. Genipher

    Covid Shot -- stringy white stuff in blood

    Well, I want to believe the test but I honestly think it has something to do with the jibby jab and the doctors are trying to cover it up/come up with some kind of explanation so they don't sound like conspiracy theorists or scare my step-dad. Can't push it anymore with my mom now as she 100%...
  12. Genipher

    Covid Shot -- stringy white stuff in blood

    Got the scoop on the results of the weird white stuff. They say it was synovial fluid. Mom said it came out thin and rubbery but turned to "boogery goo" after it was out. Sounds legit when compared to the description of that kind of fluid, though it wasn't pulled from the joint and it'sa joint...
  13. Genipher

    Covid Shot -- stringy white stuff in blood

    Still haven't heard anything back about the test on the weird stringy stuff they pulled out. A little afraid to keep asking my mom about it, for fear she'll get annoyed. Appreciate the responses I've gotten so far. Good to know I'm not the only one that remembers this.
  14. Genipher

    can you guys post something funny please?

    She's better now. But having this for the future, just in case, is helpful.