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  1. Seeker47

    The Righteous King

  2. Seeker47

    Is there a difference.....

    Your response is thoughtful, you have given me some things to work on. I share your concerns about the trustworthiness of governance. My concerns are in both directions for carrying out this requirement. God said that when the spilling of innocent blood is not properly avenged, the very...
  3. Seeker47

    Is there a difference.....

    YHWH has condemned the "convenient" sacrifice of children from the very beginning and made it clear it is the most heinous sin a human can commit. He also mandated the death of anyone who intentionally and maliciously kills another man. Even with repentance and redemption we must face and...
  4. Seeker47

    New to this

    Welcome to CC Melissacampa209. Please jump in when you find an interesting post, join the fun and fellowship here. You are not missing a single thing on social media, you are much better off avoiding it altogether. There is not much there for God's people. I tread your favorite verse. It...
  5. Seeker47


    Welcome to CC Busdriver39. Keepingthingsreal pretty much said it all. I've driven busses in my younger days, for public transit and schools. Driving a paratransit bus was by far the most fun and the most rewarding, I really enjoyed that. School Bus not so much! Have fun here and watch...
  6. Seeker47

    Psalm 11

    I wish my browser would let me award trophies, I'd give you two or three.
  7. Seeker47

    Is there a difference.....

    In the First Testament the nations of Judah and Ephraim were blessed and prospered whenever they repented and returned to YHWH . The same thing occurred then the Tribes (States) either embraced or rejected God. Blessings or curses followed their decisions. Will ejecting Roe bring blessings on...
  8. Seeker47

    Is there a difference.....

    My OP was not about abortions of convenience but about God's reaction to overturning Roe and what will happen to those states that continue to allow unrestricted abortions.
  9. Seeker47

    Is there a difference.....

    Let me clarify..... God made it very clear that convenience abortion, sacrificing a child for the supposed promise of fertility, is a most heinous crime to Him. So much so that He commanded death to those who practice this abomination. He goes even further. In Deuteronomy, He states He will...
  10. Seeker47

    Is there a difference.....

    This is a link to an AP article stating that abortions are up since Roe-Wade as overturned. The kindest thing I can say about this article is that it is highly one-sided and...
  11. Seeker47

    Americans and Mediocrity

    Oh....I really like the rant. The fence needs to come down, beginning with "Congress". These "People" will not stop "Insider Trading" in congress, but still lock-up citizens for doing the very same thing. (Sorry Martha). Then the "Leader" of our nation make laws, but exempt themselves from...
  12. Seeker47

    Americans and Mediocrity

    The slide to mediocracy began in 1979 with the creation of the US Department of Education. The slide from the best in the world to just mediocre has been continuous since them. With their pro-union leadership, the imposition of a "Woke Agenda" and the removal of all vestiges of God from the...
  13. Seeker47


    I love a child. But she is afraid of me, so terribly in need of help. For she is hungry; her cheeks are sunken to the bone; but she knows little of food, less of nutrition. I know both these things. She is cold, and she is dirty; she lives at the end of a tattered hallway, three flights up in a...
  14. Seeker47

    A W Tozer

    I am one of the blessed. Hs little book The Pursuit of God is the most read book on my shelf with but one exception. I know I have read it at least 20 times, I make a note on the cover. No other Christian book comes close.
  15. Seeker47

    A few questions about 2024

    ...only because Biden kept Kammy out of the Presidency (so far)!
  16. Seeker47

    A Muslim perspective on Israel.

    I am glad I watched the film. It was not what I expected nor what I hoped. I finished a little sad.
  17. Seeker47


    I can't give trophy Amen!
  18. Seeker47

    Biblically Inspired Art

    I really like this painting. The star is especially interesting as I see both a star and the Angel of the Lord.
  19. Seeker47

    Single Breakfast

    When I was a little boy we had fried bluegill for breakfast. If my parents didn't have any money for a breakfast, my Dad would go down to the creek and catch a "mess". Mom would have them fried crispy golden when we got up. It was a real treat; we never went hungry. God let me live in...
  20. Seeker47

    Are there really true atheists?

    Great response, I have not thought about it in that way. To say God does not exist is itself an act of faith. An act of faith must have an object.