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  1. Seeker47

    My Angel Wings

    One of the best ever posted here! Thank you.
  2. Seeker47

    What is the best advice you have ever received?

    My Mom taught this to me, it has served me well: "Some times you just have to strap on the ol' tin beak and go peck with the chickens." Being humble has gotten me through several crises.
  3. Seeker47


    Ehud was a liar and a murderer; Barak was a coward. Gideon was a weak willed doubter; Abimelech was a gangster who murdered his own brothers for power. Jephthah was the scorned son of a prostitute, he was a mercenary and so impulsive that he made a sacrifice of his only daughter. Ibzan...
  4. Seeker47


    I respect you and your comments.
  5. Seeker47


    I don't think The Bible is a history book. It wasn't written for bygone generations but was written for us to guide our lives. The Judges in Israel saved lives and fortunes from evil, but more importantly lead the people to atonement and repentance.
  6. Seeker47


    America is a covenant nation, founded on the providence of God. Now hear, God has again raised from the ranks of common men, a Judge. A Judge to release his people from the bondage and abuse of ungodly men. Just as He did in ages past. Not an Angel nor a Saint, certainly not a Holy Man, but...
  7. Seeker47

    Bible discussions…

    I agree discussions are difficult on a forum, they turn downward very quickly. Sadly, only the first few posts are topical and have value. But that said, as I grow increasingly more isolated, those few brief discussions take on greater value and significance. I do find nuggets of truth here...
  8. Seeker47

    go mad

    I share your feelings of deep frustration. As these days get closer to the end and more and more bizarre, I find myself now just refusing to listen. I shut off the media, ignore (at peril) everything what is said by government, and fully reject messages from those religious figures who try to...
  9. Seeker47

    Christianity curiously unsettles people

    No Brother, it's not just you!
  10. Seeker47

    Give...or save for retirement?

    You are correct, this is not an all or nothing scenario. Assuming that the 90% is truly spent on the necessities of life (it's usually not), I would suggest the ratio is save 18 cents and give at least 2 cents.
  11. Seeker47

    Kindness, Gain & Loss

    You wrote to my own feelings of "rough-hewn" kindness and the prayer "But oh, how He cares nonetheless. Great work!
  12. Seeker47


    In days ago, when God’s people strayed, And death itself walked through His land; He rose from the rank’s men, and a woman, And used them to save His own. Neither Priest, nor Prophet; not Angel or Saint, Have been used to answer this call. All fully human with no talent save one, Willingness to...
  13. Seeker47

    'Traitor in the Camp'

    In biblical times the word love was not just an emotion. That is a Greek concept, not Hebrew. The word Love also holds a strong connotation of action. To "Love our neighbor..." was much more than to just holding him in fondness, it means doing and caring and helping and supporting, even...
  14. Seeker47

    What do you want to do in retirement?

    Make all the plans you want, but God may have other ideas and your likes/dislikes don't count. I'm not the first to learn this lesson. Prepared to glorify Him in everything.
  15. Seeker47


    You are asking why bad things happen to good people. That is fundamental to faith and a topic very deep and difficult. I will say none of the examples you give are the result of God's wrath.
  16. Seeker47


    But for the blood of Yeshua that would surely be my fate. I'm saying if there is no wrath, we live in a cruel and unjust universe without hope.
  17. Seeker47


    Your points are well made and valid. I do not believe celebrating God's judgement is the same as seeking my own vengeance. Seeking justice is not seeking revenge, but perhaps that is a very thin line. We are human, we feel real human pain, injustice hurts. I have rest only in God's grace.
  18. Seeker47


    I am speaking from the first-person. It is not vengeance for me to anticipate God's wrath upon one who has sinned and injured millions of people including me. The injury is deep, deliberate, and done with arrogance and impunity. Vengeance is God's, not mine. For me His wrath is unearned and...
  19. Seeker47


    Sometimes, if you are wealthy enough you can avoid earthly punishment for your sins. God's wrath is not vengeance, it is grace. I can worship no other God.
  20. Seeker47

    The Righteous King
