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  1. DreamsOfNorthernLights


    Been thinking about fulfillment lately. Are believers promised that when they decide to follow Christ or is that something that we experience in the world to come? And if you feel unfulfilled, is it your own fault?
  2. DreamsOfNorthernLights

    Playing second fiddle to everyone else

    Being single in one's 30's is very different to being single in one's 20's. In one's 20's there always seems to be bountiful social gatherings and, at least in my experience, an allowance for being a free spirit. Now that I am in my 30's and still single, it feels like I am playing second...
  3. DreamsOfNorthernLights

    Encouragement for those who are suffering

    I was reading some Bible study notes today and thought I would share them here. My intention is to encourage people and not to debate the bible - hence I am posting it in misc. The reality of suffering: The book of Revelation speaks to suffering believers. John wrote the book amid his own...
  4. DreamsOfNorthernLights

    Anyone have links to good sermons or websites about the one world government?

    I have exhausted my list of resources and am looking for some new sermons, websites or channels to keep me updated as this beast system unfolds. Thanks!