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  1. Sturuj

    Two Shall Become One Flesh

    Women Absorb And Retain DNA From Every Man They Have Sex With The mystery that literally means that it really all goes back to our DNA!
  2. Sturuj

    Prayer request

    hello, warriors and super heroes, may i request a prayer for my friend David for wisdom, knowledge, understanding and favor from the Lord and the panel. he will be undergoing a thesis defense. he is currently pursuing his architectural degree and shall be graduating this coming April 2017...
  3. Sturuj

    Jesus Was A Cool Dude

    Jesus was absolutely cool, long before the word cool was defined. Remember? When the dude was lowered down from the housetop. What did Jesus say? "Man, your sins are forgiven you."
  4. Sturuj

    The Throne of Grace

    Maybe if we were falling in line and holding a que number, we will cherished our time to God and would spend more time for Him. Because its so free, its so abundant that every moment is open for us that we take it for granted and we don't even appreciate it. So... Everytime we go on the Lord's...
  5. Sturuj

    Its Friday the 13th! 13 has often been associated by evil. Its not a number we should be afraid of, because everything negative gives God an opportunity to show his power to overcome evil.
  6. Sturuj


    Wow 8 years and running forum. Thanks admin for approval. God bless everyone!