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  1. Roughsoul1991

    School Bathroom Vaping

    The administration should be doing their job. It isn't on you to do their job for them but if anything ever looks dangerous then it would be wise to report it. The school can put in bathroom monitors, bathroom schedules, cameras facing the outside to see who goes in and out, if vape has thc it...
  2. Roughsoul1991

    Update on our new Trail Life USA troop

    Our first year starting a Trail Life ministry. It has been a year of fun, growth, an learning how to best mentor these young men. We have camped, hiked, fort builds, assembled a catapult for an Easter event, cleaned up a park, fire dept your, and much more. It has been tough to start up but...
  3. Roughsoul1991


    DARKNESS INTO LIGHT After months what feels like the warming glow of a sunrise warming the bone-chilled body that has counted every second of the freezing night. Such a relief to feel the warmth and such a joy to relinquish the fight. Like a sojourner in an arid place, wondering and dying of...
  4. Roughsoul1991

    Are you feeling burned out?

    When the Spirit wants you to write, you write no matter how late it is. Are you feeling burned out or seemingly have lost the first love of salvation? The loss of zeal, passion, joy, beauty, energy, and devotion? The church of Ephesus Revelation 2:1-7 had some good commendations but Christ...
  5. Roughsoul1991

    The Exiles of Heaven

    Possibly something was misunderstood. Would you point out where I said a Christian is an exile of Heaven? I believe I only mentioned those who are not in Christ or those who apostate the faith.
  6. Roughsoul1991

    The Exiles of Heaven

    Who is the we though? A Christian? An unbeliever? An apostate? A Christian of course is a citizen of Heaven so they are exiles among the Earth. But to those who set up home in the land of paganism, they will find themselves exiled eternally from Heaven.
  7. Roughsoul1991

    Demon Dream

    Sure not in the context of demonic possession in a believer.
  8. Roughsoul1991

    Demon Dream

    Deliverance would imply I needed saving. The reality was that I was already saved. I was acting in fear. The light must shine like a city on a hill, not just in the room. The reality is we need not fear those at the door. We must carry the light beyond the room, beyond the door, and expose the...
  9. Roughsoul1991

    Demon Dream

    Huh? I didn't need help interpreting a dream. It was clear. Not even sure what you are trying to point out or what you believe.
  10. Roughsoul1991

    Demon Dream

    The only thing if the dream proved anything was that I need not fear the demonic if I walk with Christ, I need only to go forth and do the will of God. The light will always keep evil at bay.
  11. Roughsoul1991

    Teen modesty....

    I agree except the reality is there are predators and until Christ returns there will be predators. Yes, it will be the fault of the predator but we must teach our daughters common sense as well. Why teach our daughters to use the buddy system? Because reality is that men are stronger. A...
  12. Roughsoul1991

    The Exiles of Heaven

    An exile is a person without a home, a forceful exit to a place far from home, a person who still can remember and feel the word of home. We must never mistake the glimpse of home as home itself. It is only the image of what was lost or what we hope to gain. Over time the exile may abandon the...
  13. Roughsoul1991

    The Big Cheese is Watching You!

    I wonder how it compares to stomach acid. Or digestion? Wonder if they taste good?
  14. Roughsoul1991

    What do you think of this analogy of the war between Israel and Hamas?

    The scenario is not pretty but war never is. Hamas has been reporting their deaths as civilian. While hiding behind civilians as well. All they can do is do their best to eliminate the threats. Good intel, better reporting, and evidence to show how evil these people are.
  15. Roughsoul1991

    Ways In Which satan Will Try Destroy Churches

    They go from Christ-centered to self-centered.
  16. Roughsoul1991

    Do our words carry the same power as God?

    As I said the facts will speak for themselves. Thank you.
  17. Roughsoul1991

    Do our words carry the same power as God?

    Never said the majority. I spoke of a movement. Stop the fallacies of logic. Straw men are easy to blow down if you set them up.
  18. Roughsoul1991

    Do our words carry the same power as God?

    It doesn't matter how you see me. You wanted my belief on the matter so I shared it by what I have written. More so for the reader because I know you have no interest.
  19. Roughsoul1991

    Do our words carry the same power as God? I believe the best evidence is in context. You have no evidence of a Christian in scripture needing an exorcism. It was always either a Jew or unsaved Gentile. We are also told in scripture those who are of the world are children of...
  20. Roughsoul1991

    Do our words carry the same power as God?

    No amount of polling can determine the reach and influence of doctrines. Just asking people to classify as a group will not prove my point. Maybe a worldview assessment and beliefs will determine the reach of the OP definitions. Again, this does nothing to disprove the reach of false...