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    Please read the Speech by Jesus made on the mount.. So many false teachings can be avoided if one actually reads the teachings of Jesus.. Jesus said about prayer:: (Matthew 6:5-7) "¶ And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the...
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    At the time of this saying the Apostles had not received the entire wisdom of the Gospel.. That's why Jesus said He would send the Holy Spirit to them to give them understanding and all truth.. This saying Bound and loose was Jesus giving Authority to the Apostles to give new teachings after...
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    nwhat are your views on tattoos?

    There are two parts of that verse.. One to do with cutting and the next part to do with marking.. Tattoos are marks made on ones body..
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    Why can't everyone in the world just be nice to each other?

    As the song goes... "People are people so why should it be, You and i we get along so awfully..." Because we are now imperfect people who are undermined by our fallen flesh nature we inherit from our ancestors but at lest we have Christians have hope of a future transition, upon the day of...
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    nwhat are your views on tattoos?

    Because the Bible says not to.. (Leviticus 19:28) "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD." The process of getting a tatto includes both actions.. Cutting the skin and printing marks upon ones skin.. Now i will add if you are a...
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    nwhat are your views on tattoos?

    I guess i can give a definite answer.. Christians should never get tattoos ..
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    Do i have to Keep the Sabbath or was it only for Israel?

    I have already responded and explained what that Sabbath will be...
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    Are all works bad?

    I have never heard any Christian say ALL works are bad... Actually i have never heard any religious person state that all works are bad..
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    Can a Saved Person

    People must perservere in FAITH... Not in achieving a state of sinlessness in faulty human flesh.. No one is sinless and ever will be sinless while being in this faulty fallen flesh..
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    Can a Saved Person

    It's not a question of CAN saved people sins.. It's a situation that saved people still sin..
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    Is God outside of time?

    He is outside Our universe time.. Thats for sure..
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    Anglo-Saxon project

    This zenibhobia fits into the CCP's agenda to whip up fear and hatred of the western world and peoples preparing the Chinese people for a war of conquest to retake Taiwan and a war of vengeance against Japan.. Once you turn the other people into genetic warfare monsters then anything the Han...
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    Reading the entire Bible

    Yes.. I read it from start to finish.. Becoming a saved Christian.. I was not a Christian when i started to read the Bible but was a Christian by the time i read it.. Yes i think it is extremely important to read the Bible because there are a lot of false preachers out there who lead a...
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    Do i have to Keep the Sabbath or was it only for Israel?

    People can go to church any day of the week.. Sunday if they want but it should not be called a Sabbath.. The Sabbaths are all detailed in the Bible and where all established by God.. We should not add to them by making a new sabbath day..
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    Please help me to respond to some of my non-trinitarian friends

    Ok i am getting the strong impression that you made up this ""friend"".. That you have come here to preach against the trinity..
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    Do those condemned to hell suffer forever?

    Nope.. This is the Word of God not just ""Greek text"" The false prophet is not a creature.. He will be a human being.. And the Bible does not say the torment of the eternal lake of fire will be temporary..
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    Do those condemned to hell suffer forever?

    Thats not what the Bible reveals.. (Revelation 20:10) "And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever." The false prophet and the beast are men and satan will be...
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    Do those condemned to hell suffer forever?

    Don't apologise for the Word of God.. His Word is truth.. So be it..
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    I’m new here. Hello to all.

    This is the Forum part of the site.. replies tend to come within a day rather then within seconds.. There was a chat room active on this web site.. I am not sure if it is still active or going to be re-activated.. Anyway good fortune in finding what your looking for ALA..
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    The false Christ will arrive first

    Yes false Messiah's will come and decieve many.. I believe part of the end times great deception will be the Anti-christ fooling many people into believing he is the promised Messiah..