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  1. N

    Reconciliation ;/

    Hi so me and my girlfriend Lexy used to be so close and love eachother so much and were planning on marrying yet we argued a lot and both made mistakes and may have said unkind words that were not meant and things that were not meant but i want this to work i want to marry this girl i love her...
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    Hi so basically i been struggling with really bad depression and sometimes i still get suicidal thoughts im confused why suicide is so common and it happens to so many sweet people who feel stuck ;/ i dont get it and i been having very bad spiritual problems i dont feel God is near i pray and i...
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    I need prayer for a few things plz

    Alright so I got s few things I would like prayed about so I'm a very doubting Christian and recently it seems so much things r so bad like I don't know what to believe but I do at the same time I been doubting a lot lately and a few months ago I got out of the hospital for attempt of suicide...
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    I need advice bad

    Hi guys I am sorry for the bother I am still trying to be better spiritually and still kind of a seeker I am just so down in life but I am working on getting my life back but here is something I did and I regret it so bad it haunts me daily I have a friend I met on skype I have known a year...
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    Hi i am just confused

    Hi my name is Noah I am a teenager and I really just wanted some advice so I do this addiction that many men may do/tried I think you guys may know what it is already well it is infront of the computer screen and it is very icky well I been fighting this battle and am clean for a day so far...
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    I am in need of prayer ;/

    Hi anyone is hearing this I just wanted someone to pray for my mom and my dad my mom has been sick this whole summer and has been very sick this summer and still is sick she had 3 strokes low lodium low sugar and 2 infections so keep her in your prayers and also can you prayfor my dad that he...