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  1. NotmebutHim

    Jezebel Queen of False Prophets and the Jezebel Spirit

    Don't forget, RA, that there are also: Sneaky Squid spirit Python spirit Spirt of poverty Spirit of sexual sin Spirit of........... I could go on and on............ :cool:
  2. NotmebutHim

    The Heavenly Father is not God

    God is a "what" The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are "whos" Both refer to the same Being.
  3. NotmebutHim

    Can a Saved Person

    The apostle John wrote to his audience "these things" so that they may not sin. HOWEVER.......... He also wrote that if they (and by extension we) sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. Scripture never says that believers stop sinning altogether.
  4. NotmebutHim

    What did St Paul think of women?

    Thanks for bringing this to my attention. :D:D
  5. NotmebutHim

    What did St Paul think of women?

    Whatever Paul's human thoughts on women might have been (as his flesh was still corrupt), what he wrote in Scripture about women was inspired by the Holy Spirit. $0.02
  6. NotmebutHim

    Christian Nationalist Movement in the United States

    Two good sources for learning about Christian Nationalism and its origins/precursors are the William Branham Historical Research site and its companion YouTube channel "Leaving the Message" The YouTube...
  7. NotmebutHim


    Welcome aboard. I hope you enjoy your fellowship with us!
  8. NotmebutHim

    Do not vote for Trump

    Never in a million years...........
  9. NotmebutHim

    Do not vote for Trump

    Most of Trump's policies are more aligned with my views and I would vote for him based on that fact. My issue with Trump though is that many in the so-called "Christian" world treat him as some kind of "savior". Those in the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) are really into him. Some have...
  10. NotmebutHim

    Does the Bible ever say to beat kids?

    Here's my take on it: The same Scriptures which say that the rod of correction will drive foolishness from the heart of a child and that beating a child with said rod will not kill him also say that fathers (and by extension, mothers) should not provoke their children to wrath (but bring them...
  11. NotmebutHim

    Contradictions in the Bible?

    People such as Mike Winger, Frank Turek and J. Warner Wallace have made the point that if all four Gospels "agreed" in every single minute detail, that it would be more likely that they were made-up accounts. However, the fact that each one is different and brings the author's "flavor" with it...
  12. NotmebutHim

    History and true history and authority of scripture and Christendom.

    @Oncefallen, I read you loud and clear.
  13. NotmebutHim

    Why do you think Judas actually betrayed Jesus?

    Hmmm, I don't really know for sure. Many people say that he didn't truly repent, but I can't remember if a specific Scripture passage says that or not. There is a difference between Godly sorrow and worldly sorrow, but I don't know what went through Judas' head. Now that I think about it...
  14. NotmebutHim

    Why do you think Judas actually betrayed Jesus?

    The Scriptures plainly say that Satan entered into Judas. However, I tend to believe that Satan also deceived Judas. We must remember that the devil is a deceiver. That in no way excuses or absolves Judas; he still intended to do what he did. Having said that, I think that Judas didn't fully...
  15. NotmebutHim

    Should a Christian watch stand-up comedy

    Ah, you said "doggone". Some of the more, shall I say, "uptight" types might get you for that. :LOL:
  16. NotmebutHim

    Baltimore Ship Collision "accident" doesn't pass the smell test

    Part of me wants to believe that the bridge collapse was intentional. But that's only because I can hardly believe/trust what a random person may tell me. That being said, I didn't know how critical/crucial the FSK Bridge was.
  17. NotmebutHim

    New Member

    Welcome aboard, ThatGuy!
  18. NotmebutHim

    Women Pastors

    Mike Winger has done extensive videos about women in ministry. His channel is worth checking out. He goes over A LOT of stuff, but the videos are well worth watching. As for me, I am a complementarian, and I believe that male headship is for the church and for the home. Nowhere else...
  19. NotmebutHim

    Should Jesus love you because you are a sinner 🤔

    This brings up a question I've given a lot of thought to. But before that, let me say this: God is not "obligated" or "required" to do ANYTHING, at least not in the way that we understand obligations and requirements. God is not "duty-bound" to do what He does; He does those things because...