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  1. nnrukshan15

    You never came.

    We may not have ended up together , but l'm thankful for the memories we shared. You made me the happiest person for a short period of time. I'm grateful for that. Saying goodbye to you pains me, but I have to. Our time together was a beautiful chapter in my life, filled with laughter, laugh...
  2. nnrukshan15

    You never came.

    she came to say Goodbye....and she left
  3. nnrukshan15

    You never came.

    I lost a friend... She left without saying goodbye and she never came back... Im still waiting for her to come back with hope.
  4. nnrukshan15

    You never came.

    These moments passed, another day dawned without you. My path moved ahead when my heart stayed with you . Except for memories of you, I found nothing else. With you, my nights and sleep also departed. You never returned, leaving me with empty hands. The rains came, but you never arrived. So much...
  5. nnrukshan15

    Happy 26 th birthday Brittany... May God bless you immensely and keep you happy!

    Happy 26 th birthday Brittany... May God bless you immensely and keep you happy!
  6. nnrukshan15

    Its being more than 2 years, she is gone. Come here everyday to see her message. My brain says...

    Its being more than 2 years, she is gone. Come here everyday to see her message. My brain says to move on while my heart cling on to 1% hope that she might come back and say hello. Miss you alot britt. My heart keeps missing you.. I pray for you everyday. May God keep you safe and happy...
  7. nnrukshan15

    Waiting for that one message that never comes but still waiting :(

    Waiting for that one message that never comes but still waiting :(
  8. nnrukshan15

    💔 Missing piece

    I miss someone too, she has been gone for 9 months. I still miss her. I pray everyday hoping that she would come back.
  9. nnrukshan15

    Christ alone

    Christ alone
  10. nnrukshan15

    Once saved always saved (OSAS) debunked

    If We can lose our salvation, what must we do in order to keep it...can you give a list? you may give a list but remember salvation is without works. eph 2:8-9 makes it pretty clear about it. since we did not do anything to attain salvation, we can't also lose it because we contribute zero to...
  11. nnrukshan15

    A woman can't change a man because she loves him a man change himself because he loves her.

    A woman can't change a man because she loves him a man change himself because he loves her.
  12. IMG-20211205-WA0006.jpg


  13. IMG-20211205-WA0005.jpg


  14. nnrukshan15

    Download link for Christian Chat desktop application for Windows

    Christian chat app is not working ..please fix this.
  15. nnrukshan15

    The Gospel according to paul.

    Today.... the gospel, or “good news” which we are saved is as follows: 1.) Believe that Christ Died on the cross... and died for OUR SINS. 2.) Believe that He was buried in a tomb 3.) Believe that 3 Days Later He rose The main point of this gospel message I think that we often overlook is the...
  16. nnrukshan15

    Introduction of a lost soul

    Hey I see you are going through some tough situation in your life right now. I been through that too. Getting saved isn't hard .what you heard from preachers are lies. Getting saved is easy as A, B, C . All you have to do is to put your faith in the Gospel. You may ask, what is the Gospel? The...
  17. nnrukshan15

    Not By Works

    Ephesians 1:13 King James Version (KJV) 13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, This scripture says the moment you heard the Gospel and believe in your...
  18. nnrukshan15


    Amen brother!
  19. nnrukshan15


    Justification is by faith alone or faith plus works?