Search results

  1. Lynx

    How "Financially Set" Does One Need to Be in Order to "Qualify" for Looking for a Spouse?

    Beats me. If I meet a lady and fall in love with her, my first question is not going to be about her credit score. If we do start a relationship, when the time comes to talk about money, I will evaluate that relative to everything else I know about her. Whether she is rich or poor, frugal or...
  2. Lynx

    I would like to find someone for a serious relationship but…

    Problem is, all the doomsayers before you disagree with you. Actually they disagree with each other. So which one do we believe? If we believe all of them, we have already had 957 apocalypses and we are due for another 4,8 91 apocalypses before we even get to 2050. If we are supposed to...
  3. Lynx

    Christian job and work forum

    Yeah, JohnDB started a thread in misc. Forum just for you.
  4. Lynx

    I would like to find someone for a serious relationship but…

    There you go again. Everyone who doesn't agree with your great revelation is an ignorant savage who just doesn't get it. Gee, every girl in the area must be wild about you.
  5. Lynx

    Fun topics: whats your favorite game board, card, or videogame

    Everybody liked Cloud. Nobody liked Squall...
  6. Lynx

    I would like to find someone for a serious relationship but…

    Ain't gonna happen. I mean... It always COULD happen, but I'm guessing about a 0.7% chance.
  7. Lynx

    Fun topics: whats your favorite game board, card, or videogame

    Legend of Dragoon... That was an interesting one. The battle system was initially interesting, and every time a character unlocked a new skill it was neat to get the timing down for each beat, but after a few battles it got really old really fast. I remember eventually I dropped back to...
  8. Lynx

    Fun topics: whats your favorite game board, card, or videogame

    For myself, anything with a good story. A video game with a great story is like a book that you can walk around in and explore all the side stories (or not) as you will. For parties, something that's not 3D. I know, I know, all the great party games are full 3D these days. But it gives some...
  9. Lynx

    I would like to find someone for a serious relationship but…

    Nope. HE'S the snob. He keeps repeating over and over how he's the only one who comprehends these truths he keeps spouting, and how we can't see reality. I can't see any woman being attracted to such an ego. It's almost as repellent as the whole "let's get married and watch the apocalypse...
  10. Lynx

    I would like to find someone for a serious relationship but…

    Boy, if I had a nickel for every time I've seen somebody predict the end of the world... You talk a lot about what we don't understand. What you don't understand is, we have seen just so many people roll through here, week in and week out, with dire predictions about when and how the world will...
  11. Lynx

    What Are Your Suggestions for Having a Safe, Secure CC Meetup? And Would You Be Interested In Attending?

    Yeah, sorry about that. There were so many castigation opportunities I missed last week. I'll do better next time. Promise.
  12. Lynx

    Things You (or Others Around You Can't Eat) for Unusual Reasons...?

    You are directly against her all the way. She can't stand the stuff.
  13. Lynx

    Things You (or Others Around You Can't Eat) for Unusual Reasons...?

    I hear that Chick-fil-A has been quietly buying them up to make billboards for their new line of desserts.
  14. Lynx

    Thread Mash-ups

    That's life in the religious fast lane, kiddo.
  15. Lynx

    I would like to find someone for a serious relationship but…

    He is looking for a nice apocalypse lady to watch the world burn with.
  16. Lynx

    I would like to find someone for a serious relationship but…

    A critical question. It is often said that if you are the only one who knows about some great revelation, you are probably believing a heresy.
  17. Lynx

    I would like to find someone for a serious relationship but…

    That sounds just so romantic! Hey babe, let's get married and watch the world end together.
  18. Lynx

    I would like to find someone for a serious relationship but…

    That is... Not exactly true. I know some who are exactly like that, but are not married.
  19. Lynx

    Things You (or Others Around You Can't Eat) for Unusual Reasons...?

    You're not missing a thing. They don't even have fortunes anymore. Just good advice and aphorisms.
  20. Lynx

    What Are Your Suggestions for Having a Safe, Secure CC Meetup? And Would You Be Interested In Attending?

    Talking about hotels and cabins and such: I am currently visiting Mom. Today is the last day of my vacation. This Saturday they set off for a cruise... They were going to go up to Bristol Friday, stay overnight and catch a plane to the cruise ship Saturday morning. But there is a race in...